Day 1 Turning Point Summit-Come on In!

Published: Mon, 11/30/15


 Welcome to Day 1 of The Turning Point Summit!

I am excited! You'll hear me say that a lot in the interviews because I have always wanted to gather tools and tips and teach a LOT of people all at once!

How does it work: Each day you'll get an email that will contain your link to that day's 3 Expert Interviews and 3 Gifts.  All the interviews were recorded in advance and you can watch them on your phone, tablet or computer. 

You have 72 hours to listen to that day's interviews before the link is turned off.  You can always access all open interviews, see the whole line up and all the Bios on our Summit Expert's Page here

Wondering what you should watch?  Download your Viewer’s Guide to the Summit Here


Let's begin with Les Brown today!

The completion of the interview itself was COMMITMENT. You'll see Les speaking to me from a moving car on Skype! Listen to what he says, it's vital for you.

Les talks about Clarity. He tells us where to start if you are trying to do something new. He gets intimate with us about his struggles with prostrate cancer. AND he makes a shocking disclosure that I he's not told anyone else in the world. I felt honored and humbled to hear his his naked truth on this...

Watch Les Brown's Interview here and grab his fabulous motivational gift here!

Les's Interview is part of the Wealth, Health, Self-Growth and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.


Shifting Gears to talk about Parenting under Conflict with Dr. Sue Cornbluth

Dr. Sue is a foremost parenting expert for parents who are still fighting with their ex, partner or spouse. Watch to hear the counter intuitive advice that she gives you that can save your holidays, your sanity and your children's futures. 

As a 15+ year divorce lawyer, I can tell you that she is the real deal.  

Her free gift will blow your mind. If you are a person who struggles with the other side, this is a must see...

Watch here and grab Dr. Sue's amazing free gift here!

Dr. Sue's Interview is part of the Love Focus (for family). If that is your focus watch this.


Who wants to not only lose weight but do it in 30 Days?! Spoke to Dr. Zach LaBoube

You may have heard of the HCG diet?  It's been in the news and on Dr. Oz. 

What you don't know is the diet has been around for 60+ years! It's safe and gives great results but the original protocol designed all those years ago had lots of drawbacks. 

Thankfully, along comes Dr. Zach who reinvented the process as HCG 2.0.  I have done both the OLD protocol and Dr. Zach's HCG 2.0 plan.  I lost 20 lbs inside of 30 days (18 lbs in 20 days and that last 2 lbs took another week!).  Listen in and learn more about it and see if it's a tool you want to try. 

Watch here and grab Dr. Zach's cool free gift here!

Dr. Zach's Interview is part of the Health Focus. If that is your focus watch this.


That's a great start for Today!

I hope you find ONE thing each day that gives you a new insight, a new tool or a resource to reach your personal turning point. 

Let me know what you think or questions you have by hitting reply to this email!

P.S. Tomorrow is a BIG day- we'll talk about Self-Hypnosis, Happiness & Sex and how to break out of "stuckness" when crappy things happen to you! 

P.P.S. Everyone who writes to me about the interviews, what they are learning or asks a question is entered to win 1 of 15 3-hour private Turning Point Coaching sessions with me. Every email is an entry!!

Tanya Stewart, Esq. 
Life & Business Transformation Coach