It's Heating Up - Day 2 Turning Point Summit!

Published: Tue, 12/01/15


 Welcome to Day 2 of The Turning Point Summit!

Hi Everyone! Yesterday was a super successful day, including for the 2 mistakes I made! More on that in a moment...

I am hearing from you and I love it! 

Anjanette said; "I'm a Les Brown groupie!! "What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest." Loved, loved, loved it!!"

From Cessaly: Tanya I'm so grateful!  Thank you! It's been WILD all day; hopefully tonight I can listen on my phone.  I ADORE Les Brown!  My dear departed Ohio BFF turned me onto him back in the Spring of 1988: we'd go to USC's campus and listen to his tapes. He got me through challenging days...  Just an uplift!  Thanks!  PS-Very, very proud of you! Congrats!"

Tim thought Dr. Zach's HCG weight loss interview was a "Godsend"

M. "saw himself..." in Dr. Sue Cornbluth's Parenting with conflict words.

You have 72 hours to listen to that day's interviews before the link is turned off.  
You can always access all open interviews, see the whole line up and all the Bios on our Summit Expert's Page here

Your Feedback for Me:

Charles wants a Custom Watch Plan-Everyone Can Get One!

Charles told me that he was confused by my Viewer's Guide-so I have added dates to the Expert's Page so it's easier to follow. And because I confused you, if you email me and tell me a little bit about why you CAME to the Summit, what you want to GET-I'll email back and give you a custom watching plan for your situation. Is that fair?

Nisanda wants Larger Font in the Emails

Yep! She's right. I have made this font BIGGER. Thanks for telling me that. She was also concerned about how much there is to consume.  Just commit to doing at least 1 per day and trust that God will have you pick what you need. When you can do more, do more. But 1 per day will get you moving!

My Mistakes Yesterday-and Why They are a Great Sign! (Coaching Moment)

This is a coachable moment. I was working with the email program I use to send you these emails and made some adjustments and accidentally re-emailed some of you the "Day 1" email. I felt embarrassed but I shook it off and yes I heard from several of you worried for me. Thank you! Then, I was working to send a reminder to people who hadn't confirmed so they don't miss out on all this content and made another error! It sent to about 146 people who were already confirmed.

Ego rose right up and pounced on me. Then I saw it-if you aren't making mistakes you aren't doing anything NEW. When was the last time you made an embarrassing mistake? I made TWO yesterday. I apologize for anyone who was freaked out. And I am soo excited that I am pushing myself far enough out-that I AM making mistakes. Write me and tell me about your last big mistake so I'll feel better! :-)

P.S. To all of the people who signed up, confirmed and then confirmed a third time from my "mistake email"- I am forming a special "Triples Club" for you. Hang tight- you'll get an email from me with a gift to thank you for raising your hand 3 times and not yelling at me!!


We Begin from Within Today with Rene Bastarache- Master Hypnotherapist

Today will be tough on you folks. This is a day where you need all 3 of these interviews. Figure out how to swing it.

Rene explains hypnosis and you will be shocked at how simple it is and how often you already do it!
He shows us several ways to do Self-Hypnosis and he explains very clearly how your subconscious is working so you can manage it better and hit your targets. 

His free gift is the entire MANUAL they use to train their instructors AND has an entire chapter on Self-Hypnosis scripts you can do TONIGHT. Pretty good huh? Oh. And he’s funny too!

I enjoyed myself. If you are looking to make a change in 30 days, you cannot miss this.

Watch Rene's Interview here and grab his Hypnosis Manual gift here!

Rene's Interview is part of the Wealth, Health, Love, Self-Growth and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.


Sex! Happiness! Sex! You WANT to hear me talking with Jennifer Elizabeth Masters

Jennifer Elizabeth Masters is the author of Orgasm for Life and host of the radio show All You Need is Love.

She has healed her body and opened up to her soul in a way that makes her glow. You have to be in her energy.  She gives us several  a-ha moments.  I thoroughly enjoyed this.  

Do any of you know how long it takes for a woman to be ready for sex? I do NOW! No more guilt.

Ladies, do you have problems receiving pleasure-ANSWERED! Men. You want an edge? Listen in as the girls talk…I do wish my video stream had been better, but the content is pure GOLD!

Watch Jennifer's Interview here and grab his Happiness Jump Start gift here!

Jennifer's Interview is part of the Health, Love and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.


Now for some Eyebrow Lifting- Watch Greg Kuhn tell us about Getting Unstuck from Bad Things

I’ll be honest. This interview will challenge you on 2 levels. One, Greg is brilliant and at times you may lose him, but he comes back and delivers a TRUTH that opens you up to more.  Second, he’s going to challenge what other experts say. He will tell you the TRUTH about POSITIVE THINKING. It’s not what you think! Greg wants you to know that you need to admit to feeling bad.

Oh and there’s more:  the dangers of positive affirmations (you suspected this one), 4 steps to get out of  a crappy situation, the word “YET” and why it’s soo powerful.

Greg Kuhn is high up the metaphysical food chain and his interview will challenge you and thus change you. You’ll watch me constantly summarize his points so you and I can understand better.

It’s worth it because there are super GOLD nuggets in this interview, especially around 10:26 mins, 25:44 - 30:13 and 47:26 - 58:34     Don’t worry if you don’t follow it all-the clear parts are VERY clear. Get those pieces at a minimum!

You can follow Greg’s Four Pathways: Am I capable of beating myself up less? Am I willing to be more honest with myself? Can I be a more attentive student? Will I look a painful truth in the eye if that means I can manifest an experience I’ve always desired?

Watch Greg's Interview here and grab his custom written & clear How To for this Summit-The Four Pathways gift here!

Greg's Interview is part of the Self-Growth Focus path. If that is your focus watch this.


Yes, it's a lot and its all really good. Get 'er done people. This is how you change your life. You commit to what looks difficult first and THEN the way appears. 

Let me know what you think or questions you have by hitting reply to this email!

P.S. Tomorrow we'll talk about Fatigue and easy tips for health, a story about Accepting Responsibility and what medical science and research have now proven about LOVE! 

P.P.S. Hit Reply and write to me about the interviews, I like helping you. What I give away, flows right back to me!

Tanya Stewart, Esq. 
Life & Business Transformation Coach