Commitment - Day 4 Turning Point Summit

Published: Thu, 12/03/15


 Welcome to Day 4 of The Turning Point Summit!

Hi Everyone! NOW is when it gets is when you get busy...NOW is when you want to show up. Make a commitment to stay with this tribe and your new lessons. Keep it simple: Read today's email - Watch 1 video - Call it good.

What You are Saying 

Lynn said "...You have put together a terrific webinar!  I am surprised by how terrific your speakers are b/c I have watched similar webinars and not been so impressed. …Thank you for introducing me to Greg Kuhn. His work is fascinating and I'm working the emotional reference chart starting tonight.. I really appreciate how you re-state important points that the speaker says so I get a double helping of important information.God bless, Lynn" 

Christi said "Just watched your video - awesome job! It's authentic, has great energy and is direct. You are going to rock this! So excited for you and will be cheering you on"

H. commented: "Thank you for your reply. I know you are busy and I can't believe your responded to me! Wow."

Angela feels better: "...I finally feel excited again and haven't felt that way since forever. I can't wait to see and learn more I feel like I'm on a natural high."

Access all Open Interviews, Get Line Up, Read Bios

Need to Catch Up Because You Are Just Joining Us? Don't feel left out! Catch up on all my emails with links inside here:


Your Feedback for Me:

Information Overload

Two folks wrote to leave the Summit because "This was too much too soon.  I'm very interested in the process, but it's very time consuming for a working person.  When I saw the first and second installments, I felt overwhelmed with all of the options" and "Simply info overload". I was sad to see them go.

If you find yourself overwhelmed in the Summit - you do one thing the way you do everything - you often find yourself overwhelmed in life. It is not possible for life to pause to slow down your choices. Focus on developing a skill set to narrow your choices and that skill set comes from clarity. When you are clear about what you were doing and what you want, it doesn't want how many choices arrive, you can immediately identify the ones that are aligned with your good.

I challenge you to hold. This is when people start to drop out-this is when it starts to get hard. I challenge you to hold for yourself

P.S. Here's the part where I may be making you uncomfortable. If your coach never makes you uncomfortable - that is NOT really a coach! It's tempting to fall into overwhelm, tempting to quit, tempting to stop and be distracted. The people who are going to have a life-changing results from the Summit will find a way to say I'm going to feel the fear and do it anyway. You CAN do it. Keep going..I've got you.


My Future Held in the Palm of My Hand? Meet Richard Unger Hand Analysis Expert

Bringing you a tool that you are probably not familiar with is exciting for me!

Richard has been reading and teaching hand analysis since 1969 and has read over 60,000 pairs of hands now. He is the foremost expert anywhere. Watch to learn how it’s part science and part art, what you can tell and what you can’t and what your hands can tell you. Even the SHAPE of your palm has info!

Your prints are set 5 months before you are born. They don’t change. Your palm print however, changes with you. I inked my hands and sent them over and he analyzes them LIVE during the interview.

I can tell you it was life changing. I recommend you watch over my shoulder and learn about a new tool that was almost scary how accurately he read me.  I even declare my true life path during the interview!

His gift is any lecture YOU want to pick from his massive archive.
Watch Richard's Interview here and grab your free lecture gift here!

Richard’s Interview is part of the Self-Growth and Wealth Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.


I Introduce you to Jafree Ozwald and We Explore Manifestation & Fear

Jafree is a world renown author, radio show speaker and personal manifesting coach. I have followed his work for years and it is top quality.

While he was in India on an extended mediation retreat I tracked him down and got him to give us practical tips and tools you can use right now to get moving in the right direction.  He gives us 5 Steps to Manifestation. They are clear and understandable.  There are a lot of writer downers because his explanations make all the difference in our application. And he tells us how to face fear.

This video was tough to make with the India internet connection being so dodgy, but you’ll find the content makes is all worthwhile.  Come in, take notes and learn.

His gift to us is the Manifesting Magnet- yes. That IS as good as it sounds. I’ve paid for his teachings before, so I am pleased to give you this great gift.

Watch Jafree's Interview here and grab your Manifesting Magnet tool kit gift here!

Jafree’s Interview is part of the Self-Growth and Wealth Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.

Make Time to Watch Greg Bear – He teaches on Unconditional Love and Fulfilling Relationships

Greg went from being a nationally known eye surgeon with one of the busiest eye practices in America  to addict who nearly committed suicide.  He teaches about the principles of Real Love that turned his life around and led him to Author 17 Books.
His book, “Real Love” is the first required reading to coach with me.  It has changed lives, including mine.  It is not possible to give you an adequate description of this interview.  Funny, uplifting, educational and warm.  He walks his talk. 

Truth? If my ex-husband and I had this book years ago, we’d still be married. It’s THAT powerful.

Come find out what you may be missing and how it has shaped every moment of your life since birth…

Watch Greg's Interview here and grab one of 3 free gifts on his page- including Happiness for Children and How to have Joy for yourself here! (personally, I’d get more than one…just sayin’)


Let me know what you think or questions you have by hitting reply to this email!

P.S. Friday we will relax and talk about Dating and a super powerful interview on Self-Esteem. 

P.P.S. Day 1 - 11.30 Videos CLOSE today as soon as 12 noon EST. Get those in!

Tanya Stewart, Esq. 
Life & Business Transformation Coach