to Day 6 of The Turning Point Summit!
We made it to the weekend! It was a long busy week. We covered a LOT of ground. Our Last Expert Interviews go live today and tomorrow, Sunday Dec 6th and yes, I saved some great stuff for these last 2 days.
Thank you for Talking to Me! You are Sharing Great
“Listened to Heather Debreceni, there was some powerful stuff in there for me, and I want to be a coach in my 'next life' so I am going to listen to her getting your finances sorted summit!... Now just listened to Dr Loyd and got hairs on back of neck standing up.” Anne
“Thank you for the Manifesting Magnet Gift!!”
D. (Did you get Jafree Ozwald's gift?)
“Hi Tanya its me again! I read that some of your viewers have quit because they don't have the time. Well I don't either, but I've been sacrificing sleep time (probably not good) to listen to your interviews! Like I said yesterday, your enthusiasm is contagious & knowledge is vast, & I love that you are sharing it with me! Hopefully the majority of your listeners will
hang tough & get as much out of your Turning Point Summit as I have!” Gratefully yours, Krys(ten)
I want to hear your thoughts on the Summit. What do you need? What did you get? Did Dr. Joe blow the doors off it yesterday?
Your Feedback for Me:
X Doesn’t See Value of Sharing Quotes
X is new and said it would be nice if instead of the all the admiring he could get some real advice. I balance the needs of the one with the needs of the many. Yes, it can be seen as self-serving to me or serving the many people that like sharing in others growth and breakthroughs. It's exciting! It can make us all more motivated. We feel good to be part the global Turning
Point Summit with people all over the planet pushing just like we are. Yes, the praise makes me proud because I'm just a girl but as coach, I know you need to feel less alone out there. So for both reasons, I’ll keep sharing! Keep sending me your thoughts...I read every email and reply and I respect anyone who shares their thoughts with me. Thank you X.
Tanya’s 4 Steps to Your Turning Point:
(1) Commitment – (2) Clarity – (3) Choice – (4) Inspired Action
Got a handle on Commitment and Clarity (Day 3 & 4)? Now for
Choice. This is a biggie. Be careful, choice is not action (that’s tomorrow). Using our weight loss example- you committed to getting healthy, you got clear your daily sugar intake is an issue. One choice is to eat less sugar. Yes, there are probably about 481 choices available, but to get momentum you only need to start by picking just ONE.
Here is where people get stuck, they try to make the choice AND pick the actions to carry it out all at once. Another choice might be to use HCG 2.0 as your diet. There LOTS of actions to take to execute that choice (order drops, buy food, get food scale, etc). There are lots of actions to execute any choice. But keep choice simple. The better you can get at having a one sentence commitment, one item of clarity flowing from
the commitment and one choice that supports the clarity-the less overwhelmed and stuck you’ll feel.
Yes. It can be this simple. Once you start moving, events, people and help will arrive. You just can’t steer a parked car, so keep it simple and get in motion.
P.S. If you are behind on your videos, you don't have to be behind on your gifts. ALL the Experts gift links are open and available for all days of the Summit. Don't Forget - Day 3 -12.2 closes today as soon as 12 noon EST.
Get access to ALL open interviews, Expert Line Up and Bios Here Expert's Page
Feng Shui Expert Karen Rauch Carter Joins me in Conversation
It sometimes seems that everybody and their brother hold themselves out as a Feng Shui consultant. They get a compass, some bells and read a book and off they go!
Well do you know WHO'S book the wannabe's read? Karen's!
She is a licensed Landscape Architect, International Speaker and Best Selling Author of "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life". I read it. It DID change my life.
With over 20 years experience studying and applying Mind, Body and Spirit to designing and improving environments she is the real deal.
I ask her about - what else, Money
and Love. Our favorites.
Find out why the furniture in your bedroom can be keeping you single...
I also got her to take some time and talk about clutter in our lives and how she helps her clients clear that. USEFUL!
Overall, when
you are trying to make a change you need all the tools you can get to support you and if you have ever wondered about Feng Shui as a tool for change, now is the time to check this interview out. Let me know what you think…
Karen makes it so easy to understand that you'll want to give it a try.
Watch Karen's Interview here and please get video gift of how to do Feng Shui- and Move it With Karen free gift here!
Interview is part of Wealth and Love Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.
Tanya gets to talk to "The Super Natural Mom" Beth Greer
Beth is one of the top experts on
sustainable and toxin free living, I am so happy we get to learn from a Detox guru.
She's the author of the best-selling book, Super Natural Home endorsed by Deepak Chopra, Ralph Nader, Dr. Joseph Mercola and others.
She's been seen on ABC, NBC, CNN and NPR.
is going to give you a short cut. You see, you know the law- as within so without and vice versa. Stuck on your personal and spiritual growth? Clean!
Detoxing (and Feng Shui above) will both accomplish this. Sometimes giving the external the nudge helps the internal YOU to uplevel.
Watch as Beth teaches me things
about microwaves, apples, stevia and strawberries I did NOT know.
If you have ANY health concern or children who have sensitives or ADHD or other issues- a MUST see.
Watch Beth's Interview here and please get her video gift teaching you 10 easy ways to have a super natural home and healthy kitchen. Get that gift here!
Beth’s Interview is part of Health Focus
paths. If that is your focus watch this.
Watch the Top Australian Vision and Manifestation Coach, Mr. Twenty Twenty Share How to Get Your Better Life
You’ll hear the video start
with me staying let’s see where the Universe takes us! I left that bit in on purpose so you’d know that we just “allowed” the conversation and it was packed full of good bits for you.
If you are in need of guidance on life purpose, manifesting your good and a fresh way of approaching your life to turn it in the direction you want. Watch now.
At the end
of the interview he asks us to share our 5 take-aways and I promised to share mine:
- I am using Curiosity instead of what “engineering” – how to ask HOW
- I am embracing the purpose of THIS moment
- I know what my “airplane” answer is
now (which is good b/c I’m flying again Monday)
- It’s OK not to know your final purpose when you begin your path
- A subtly different point to focus on to make my manifestations happen more quickly
That was a LOT and there is more. If you feel a tug, you should
watch…it’s full of gold nuggets.
Be Curious. Make and take the time & watch him. Oh and he’ll explain his name too!
Watch 20/20's Interview here and please get his
fabulous gift of 221 Neville Goddard pdfs plus an audio to get you jump started on your manifesting journey gift here!
20/20’s Interview is part of Wealth
and Self-Growth Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.
Let me know what you think or questions you have by hitting reply to this email!
P.S. Sunday, our last day, you’ll learn what a “LifeQuake” is, discover a spiritual “multi-tool” and dive deep into perception and intuition.
P.P.S. Day 3 -
12.2 Videos CLOSE today as soon as 12 noon EST. Don’t miss out.