We Pick Up Speed - Day 3 Turning Point Summit

Published: Wed, 12/02/15


 Welcome to Day 3 of The Turning Point Summit!

Good Morning! I've got lots to share today-so make sure you have 8-10 minutes to yourself to read today's email-it's your investment of time in YOU. 

You Guys are Talking to me from Around the World!

Anne from the UK said "...we don't use the word 'awesome' here the same way you do in the states - but it is the word!  Awesome.  I loved Mr Brown, couldn't believe his age, what an amazing gentleman he is!  You are quite right - if you don't make any mistakes you aren't doing anything new..."
            Thank you Anne! Kind words for me and Les Brown. Anne and I have been talking about          my Crock Pot Turkey & Pulled Pork Roast (mine BBQ, hers spices with Applesauce)

Darlene's thoughts on Les Brown: His life, positive mindset and willpower to keep on going no matter what he faces is very inspiring to my soul.

Remember Cessaly from yesterday? She joined my yearlong Eagle Coaching Plan. She is committed to her powerful vision as a guardian of historic buildings in Oakland, CA. She went all in. Congrats love! I am now on your team, all in. 

"...I can't emphasize enough how grateful I am!!! I pray that your awesomeness spreads around the world! Thank you thank you & thank you:)" Sincerely, Krys(ten)

Krysten's comment had me check the analytics- you are on this Summit with people who are visiting from 75 countries! Check out the map at the bottom! Australia (Hi Mr. 20!), Croatia, El Salvador, China, Egypt, Guyana, Russia, Papua New Guinea & more...  

PLEASE let this show you that everyone in the world is seeking the SAME things: Health, Wealth, Love and Perfect Self-Expression. I am honored and a little teary knowing my dream to reach around the world is happening right now. Thank you very much for being here for yourself.

Access all Open Interviews, Get Line Up, Read Bios

Need to Catch Up Because You Are Just Joining Us? Don't feel left out! Catch up on all my emails with links inside here:


Your Feedback for Me:

N. Notices I Talk A Lot in My Interviews

N. wrote the Summit is great and she was happy to see so many experts from all over. That I am bringing a "gift to the world". She gently asked if I noticed I talked a lot in Jennifer Master's interview?  Answer: Yes! I talk a lot more than most interviewers. I'm a non-traditional interviewer. I am hands on, hands in and high energy and draw more out of my experts that way. I thanked her for telling her truth-how brave! I told her I'd use it to teach this lesson- You cannot make all people happy. Do it your way with love and allow everyone to choose you or not.  A fabulous lesson to share with you. If you never ruffle feathers, you are not fully showing up in the world! 2nd lesson, will you tell your truth like N? Thanks N! For her bravery, I am giving her a laser coaching phone session...N, email me to claim it!

Victoria Wants the Emails Earlier

Fudge. Every since I offered to talk to you, I am busier than ever. Bed at 2 am last night woke at 6:10 am happy. Excited to see what else you've said. So here is my compromise, I will activate the day's interviews on the Experts page early in the am EST and it won't count from your 72 hours! You may not have my notes/summary earlier but you can watch sooner. Sound fair? 

Using Your Resources (Coaching Moment)- Your Ego Won't Like This Part

What resources are you not taking advantage of? If you have resources that you're not taking advantage of it means that you may have a problem receiving love. You need to ask yourself why you're not raising your hand on this Summit? What's the worst that could happen? What if you actually got a solution to your problem?

Frank wrote me from Australia. He is on disability and has a miserable family life, he used the term feeling like "an indentured servant". He wrote me all about it, and I'm going to work on Frank's situation and do my best to assist him and direct him. Where is your story? Please look for the pattern of you not taking advantage of a free resource-not raising your hand and asking for help. Are you the person who keeps giving to everybody but you never asks for anything in return? That was me! Stop it! If you watch the interview I have with the hand analysis expert Richard Unger tomorrow, he tells me that my life challenge is to ask for what I want. 

If you have the pattern of not asking for help that you need, then you have a pattern of not asking for what you need or want everywhere-which means God is giving you resources, channels, opportunities and pathways that you are missing because you're not taking the first step

Ask yourself this very moment what excuse have you giving yourself not to write to me? Too busy? She won't answer? She can't help me? What is the 'reason' that your Ego (Edging God Out) is feeding you to keep you from turning your life in the direction you want it to go? The hesitation is nothing more than resistance which is fear. Step out of your fear. Be brave like N. Inundate me. Make me have to write you back but I need a couple of days to reply. But don't pass up the opportunity. This could be the first big step that you're taking on your turning point - grab the opportunities, grab the resources. It's all here for you. You have to take the first step.

P.S. Download every single FREE gift now-skip the Divorce questions if need be- but seriously. Resources! Go to the Expert's page and get THEM. Put them in a folder and work through them-1 per week. You CAN do that. They won't all fit, but 1 or 2 may be your Turning Point. Pia in Denmark writes her a-ha is figuring out she has all the resources she needs-she just has to APPLY them. I'm going to help her.


Let’s Talk Health with Dr. Emily Chan, ND

Dr. Emily’s purpose is to heal people of chronic conditions. She is gifted and actually too humble. Speaking off camera I learned she’s successfully reversed some serious SCARY NAME conditions I won’t list here.

In our talk she takes the time to tell me what a Naturopathic Doctor is.  I didn’t know the rigor of their studies! They are not a “lesser” doctor. I’m a supplement person and she gives us the names of several supplements that can help us I would never have found for fatigue and anxiety.

Big take aways? She explains Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, gives us the signs of it and tells us how to support our bodies when we are fatigued. This is her gravy and you really need to watch her literally glow when she talks about it! Her gift is a free course to Conquer Exhaustion and on doubling your energy. GET IT.  

My favorite thing? Her explanation of how to use essential oils for healing emotionally and spiritually! I’m going to get Frankincense-find out why…

Watch Dr.Emily's Interview here and grab her Conquer Exhaustion gift here!

Emily's Interview is part of the Health Focus path. If that is your focus watch this.

What happens when a 15+ year Divorce Lawyer Talks to Divorce Coach Heather Debreceni?

We have a good time! Heather Debreceni is a Divorce coach and her story of fighting through the courts for, oh, about a DECADE will remind you to be more grateful for your Ex!

Take aways? Two words: Responsibility and Accountability. Watch as I point out all the steps of growth in her story and cheer for a woman willing to be vulnerable with us and tell the truth where she was wrong.

If you have a Divorce Focus-it’s a must see. If you struggle with admitting your screw-ups, this is a great model for the victories that follow finally telling yourself the truth. She is also the Host of a Divorce Summit that I will be an expert on in January!

Watch Heather's Interview here and grab here gift-24 Questions to Answer before you Leave gift here!

Heather's Interview is part of the Self-Growth and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.

I get to Interview Dr. Alexander Loyd of The Healing Codes and Relationship Codes- Love is in the Air!

If you aren’t familiar with him read his bio-Wow! He has gone looking for the source of disease (dis-ease) and with the motivation of his Wife’s chronic illness, he finds it. Then he applies himself to the deeper tangle of our relationships and what he reveals is both elegant and simple. 

Do you know what science has proven about love? I didn’t.
I learned new things on this interview and really set the foundation for how important Love is and how it literally drives our body’s chemistry and how we are wired to succeed. Don’t skip it.  And yes, you want his 10 Secret Spiritual Laws of Nature Gift!

Watch Dr. Alex's Interview here and grab his 10 Secrets gift here!
Dr. Alex’s Interview is part of the Health, Love and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.


No one has complained about the length of the email or that I'm coaching you in these emails. Good! I told you I'd help you change your life, it takes lots of words and a bigger time investment than "entertainment" from both of us. Invest yourself to read these words and then make your plan to choose your day's resources. 

Let me know what you think or questions you have by hitting reply to this email!

P.S. Tomorrow is fabulous! We'll talk about your life purpose and plan in your hands, handling fear, manifesting and REAL LOVE! I wouldn't miss it.

P.P.S. Hit Reply and write to me about the interviews or your life challenge. I can now say I have coached all over the WORLD. Check out our map below! Anyone know someone from Greenland?!

Tanya Stewart, Esq. 
Life & Business Transformation Coach