It’s our last day together :-( However, since you are reading this you have already shifted something inside yourself. Even though it’s easier to NOT use this resource, you made a choice to change something in your life. Then you took inspired action to join and watch this Summit. Bravo! Be proud of yourself.
All Gifts are OPEN and available with our Expert Line Up on Expert’s Page
Interviews Still Open:
For Day 4 Interviews:
Richard Unger Hand and Fingerprint Analysis for Life Purpose, Jafree Ozwald for Manifesting and Handling Fear, Greg Baer on getting Real Love Click Here
For Day 5 Interviews:
Dr. Joe Rubino increasing Self-Esteem, Scot & Emily McKay for Dating Click Here
For Day 6 Interviews:
Karen Rauch Carter for Feng Shui, Beth Greer helping Detox home and body and Mr. Twenty Twenty visionary and Australian's top Manifesting coach.
Things You Shared with Me:
Miriam writes and sums up the Summit for us all!
"Hi Tanya - I love your interviews. Soaking up all the wonderful positive vibrations from all your speakers/guests. I really love the free gifts - so thanks to all of these people for sharing. I guess if I had to sum many of the ideas up it is:1. Be authentic to yourself (and kind) so don't put a blanket of positive over what is clearly a
problem. Deal with it by acknowledging it.
2. Find the joy, the excitement in your life and let it be the top element of your day. Keep the vibration high.
3. To grow you need to acknowledge the lessons life throws at you.
4. Let go of the outcome - the how and when. Let the Universe do its job not you!" Thank You Miriam!
G. writes "I absolutely LOVED that Richard Unger!!! I was blown away!! And Tanya, boy we have similarities...! the service, the stage vs hiding, the difficulty in requests, hiding through service .... so much!!"
you for sharing with me. Please continue post Summit, it shows me that this work is appreciated and worthwhile and valuable to you.
Your Feedback for
Hi Tanya,
I have had computer issues this past week and was unable to access Les Brown’s video. He is one of my hero’s and I am very sorry I missed the deadline to view the video link. Are you able to let me have the link for one more day, please? Thanks very much.
Do you need to catch up on interviews you missed? Watch your email Wednesday- 12.9 - I'll send a 7 question survey.
EVERYONE who completes it gets
ALL weekend access to ALL 21 Interviews!
Handling Feedback You Get (Bonus Coaching Mini-Lesson)
All week, I’ve shared your feedback about what I should change. One even zinged me for a moment. Here is what you need to know: if you can learn to walk toward feedback
instead of run from it, you will be stronger than ever. I use feedback to gauge how strong my ego is!
Tanya’s 4 Steps to Your Turning Point:
(1) Commitment – (2) Clarity – (3) Choice – (4) Inspired Action
(Look at the last 3 days emails. Click the Catch Me Up Link above if you need it.) Action! Almost everyone wants to jump into action as soon as they see a problem or want something. But you can now see it is actually the LAST step.
Most action is just, “I think I’ll do it this way…” versus INSPIRED ACTION. Difference? I believe God and the Universe will guide your steps if you ask AND if you put yourself in a place of readiness to receive.
Weight Loss: I commit to getting healthier. I am clear sugar is an issue. I choose to count my sugar daily to eat less than 20 grams a day. Now, how to DO that? Get quiet, take 3 deep breaths and ask your heart
what is the one thing you can do to make that choice reality? Notice what you think or feel next. What pops into your head? Notice the conversations over the next day or two, book titles, new ideas. Your intuition speaks in different ways. Pay attention. Thoughts. Dreams. A song on the radio! Whatever you get, do that!
What if you don’t “hear” anything? Don’t worry, it just means you aren’t used to hearing or noticing
your guidance. In that case, ask yourself “if I knew what action to take, what would that be?” Do that. Once in motion, a correction will come if needed! Do this process for anything you need to change. Remember, it is better to start simply because it gets you started. This cancels the “I don’t know HOW or WHERE to start” problem.
My Pleasure to Have You Meet Dr. Toni Galardi
Dr. Toni is a warm and wise woman with an loving, bright energy you’ll feel through your screen. She has been a licensed psychotherapist in California for over 20
A speaker, a trainer, former professor and author of “The LifeQuake Phenomenon: How to Thrive Not Just Survive in Times of Personal and Global Upheaval”
That work is why I had to have her on this Summit and why you should invest time in listening.
She tells you about cycles in your lives connected to your major crisis times. She gives us a powerful way to connect and walks us right through it. Her simple way of blending love and intelligence will help you.
Thoughts that will shift your perception are all through this interview: What happens when you go unconscious in life and disconnect from Source. Using dreams as a tool to help. The Energy of
Change and How it can help you.
In her practice she uses energy to clear out and truly heal your old unforgivenesses by emotional desensitisization as one of many approaches.
A-HA for me: Dr. Toni teaches us we should not take away one of our symptoms (that cause us problems) unless we have something better to replace it with!
Watch Dr. Toni’s Interview here and get to speak with Dr. Toni herself!! using her gift
Dr. Toni’s Interview is part of Self-Growth and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.
We are honored to have Lee Milteer Spend time with
Lee is a powerful entrepreneur, visionary, best selling author, TV personality and our guide today!
We talk about her book “Reclaiming the Magic”. I describe it as a spiritual multi-tool and must read. It’s on Amazon and her site.
She has done
something I have looked for a long time, she has taken the most effective parts of a spiritual path and put them in ONE book, that anyone can read. I thought I’d found my soulmate when I did this interview – I was mistaken about him but NOT about his book.
This is the book that you should get and if you have someone you love that doesn’t “get” this side of you and you LONG for them to understand more as you do- give this to
In our talk she hits a ton of needed info:
- Having a sense of value for yourself
- Ways to reprogram yourself
- Understanding how your brain is working for and against you
- Spotting and working with your personal
- Understanding the 5 types of energy: Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual and Financial and how to use each of them for you.
Lee teaches us life is not just happening to you- you are creating what’s around you. Learn to create it. Her gift is a free video course explaining what are our 5 types of energy and how to use them. Don’t miss
Watch Lee’s Interview here and get taught to use your 5 types of energy right now with her gift
Lee’s Interview is part of Self-Growth and Divorce Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.
(Do pardon my having to dub a small part of my audio! This was the first video I shot for this series. I am proud of the content and I’ve improved the
David Ault: Speaker, Leader and Musician Opens Doors for Us Today
David has spent 30 years traveling the world bringing light and Divine connection to us through music and
He founded a Center for Spiritual Living in Alabama, USA and then accepted the position as senior minister for the Spiritual Living Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Since his arrival they have been voted the top spiritual body multiple years running.
There is a reason for that and you’ll get to get your own slice of enlightenment from David today as we begin discussing
his book “The Grass is Greener Right Where You Are” on Amazon.
His gift is to go deep and then make it understandable to all of us.
Today we’ll learn about these things and more:
- Understanding how all solutions already exist
- How to look at your
- The Law of Cause and Effect
- BIG A-HA Moment: Whatever bad pattern you are following has VALUE to you and how that value can block your change
- Understanding Intuition
- Learn the ONLY word your Subconscious
David’s Interview is part of Health and Wealth Focus paths. If that is your focus watch this.