When someone comes up to you and offers you a new opportunity like a new project at work or a solution to a problem you are having, how do you typically respond?
Most people come from what I call “No Energy”. It is extremely important to know whether your habit is
responding to new things more out of No Energy or Yes Energy. Because No Energy tends to be associated with poor people, unhappy people and those who are not going to reach their life purpose.
Yes Energy is the energy of the happy, the wealthy and those pursuing their purpose.
So, which are you?
As your coach, I want you to come from an energy of "Let's see" (consideration energy), "It could work" (possibility energy) or "I'll see how I can make this work" (committed/Yes Energy).
Your ego opposes most of what others propose that is new or helpful.
You may have noticed that you tend to start closer to an energy of "I'm not thinking this will work" (skeptical energy), "She doesn't see what I can see that makes this not apply" (discounting, discrediting, patronizing energy), and "This won't work/doesn't fit me" (No Energy).
When we begin in No Energy we WILL FIND and we WILL
ATTRACT what will prove us correct. Same for Yes Energy (thank goodness)! So if a person is starting with No Energy, they tend to “evaluate it” and then say no and feel like it was a neutral decision - but it never was.
You can find plenty of information somewhere (online, past experiences,
imagination, friends) to support your starting position either way, a full yes or a hell no, on any new solution. It depends on what you go looking for and the attitude with which you look.
When I coach people, when they hit No Energy, I stand in the fire and push because they’ll break through it because they know I love
them. When my clients hit No Energy it is a BIG DEAL. We have hit something that their ego put in their strongest safe, under armed guard. It HAS to be surfaced and exposed as untrue.