Seriously? Seriously?! Would babies ever learn to walk if a) you didn’t encourage them and LET THEM FALL and b) the stuff they wanted was in easy reach?
Walking is not convenient. Being healthy is not convenient. Running a business is not convenient. See a trend here? Getting to the “better” is almost never convenient.
I take the bible as a master metaphysical guide. In it, whenever God asked somebody to
build a temple, you know what he DIDN’T do?
He didn’t drop a container from the sky with 6,000 pounds of pre-cut lumber, 40 pounds of nails, back up a truck of mortar and bus with 20 workers, all carrying Home Depot credit cards - prepaid.
That's YOUR part!
Whatever you are led to do or shown to do, let me be clear – the “HOW” is your part, but you do the “HOW” by letting Source via intuition guide you to the easiest way. You do the “HOW” by letting it be done FOR you. You do the how by Proving the Law of Asked and Answered. But you gotta accept the
If you really need all those material things, you'll find them on your journey (i.e. on your way, i.e. to be more clear - once you have gotten off your ass and started proceeding in the direction that you were told to go).