Day 12 - Self-Love Blueprint - Last Day! Handling Your Disappointments & Clutter

Published: Fri, 04/22/16

Day 12 - Last Day

Last Day. Has it really been 12 Days? For those who have come along on this whole ride. I commend you. I congratulate you and I am deeply grateful FOR you. I poured my heart into leading you on this journey and some of you are still with me! 

These two interviews are awesome, as befits a last day!  

Dr. Danielle's is especially powerful. Who hasn't been disappointed? And I maintain that clutter blocks manifesting and happiness.  

For you, my constant reader I will share our next steps together. Saturday - Monday ALL interviews will be live and accessible so no one has to miss anything! I'll send out a short list of the most popular interviews so you can manage your time better.

And next Wednesday I'll shoot out a 8 question, 3 minute survey.  I want to know what you think so I can serve better. Everyone that helps me will be GIVEN a group interviews to download and KEEP as a thank you.

And thank you for trusting me with your hearts and your time.  

Talk soon, 
Maria Gracia - Handling Your Clutter 

Clutter! Maria Gracia is the founder of GetOrganizedNow dot com. 

She blew my mind with her definition of clutter: clutter is anything that keeps you from having a happy life!

Now you see why she's on the self-love summit. She taught me about the four different types of clutter - and no I did NOT know there were four!

She shared tips and new ways of thinking that you can use right NOW to reduce your clutter. We even talked about emotional clutter! 

Happy Moment #1 she tells you where to start if you feel overwhelmed. 

Happy Moment #2 Her Gift is called a Treasure Chest! There's so much stuff in it she had to read it off a list! Her best organizing tips, videos, tools.

If you know this is your year to tackle clutter in all of its various manifestations, you gotta grab her gift! 

Hit reply and let me know if this helped you. I've struggled with clutter to and it took real courage to break free from where I was. No time to watch? Grab the gift now and double back when you can…

Danielle Dowling - Break Bad Patterns & Handle Disappointments

Dr. Danielle Dowling. This is one my favorite interviews and I saved the best for last! I gave her some of your hardest challenges and she just…answered it.

What if that mess in your past keeps popping up?
What does it mean? Answered.

How do we break that pattern? Answered.

We want others to love us before we love ourselves. Covered.

What two questions do we ask when it all falls apart?

“How is this the best thing that ever happened to me? (YES. You read that right.)
And then “What’s my part?”

Listen and see why this tiny shift will change your LIFE.
Breakthrough thought: Self-Love does not come NATURALLY!

Too much good stuff. Indulge yourself. Watch and grow with me.

Her Gift? Double Gift time! Her ebook how to Live Your Life on Purpose is fantastic. 

You’ll get that at the link here.  2nd gift? Danielle told us to look in the Freebie section on her site for her “Make it Happen” daily planner. It will walk you through a short daily process to get you where you want to be.

I feel so lifted by this conversation. Come share it with me. Hit reply and tell me what lifted you…

We have a Facebook community for you to share your thoughts and ask your questions for an expert or me here: Self-Love Blueprint Facebook

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