[Happy Friday] 7 Random Good Thoughts

Published: Fri, 05/20/16

7 Random Thoughts

This was a busy, wild, wonderful week.  I got to practice lots of what I teach you!

Sometimes you just need to watch a cat video (or 2).

Ultimate Cat Thug Life if you dare! Cats misbehaving set to rap music. (It seems to be the only valid use for rap music.) You can say your “coach” told you to do it, I’m not ashamed. You WILL laugh at 1st 17 seconds. 

Commitment is your best weapon against life throwing you curve balls.
Jim Rohn said – Don’t wish it were easier, which you were STRONGER.

Crazily over tip the next good server you have in a restaurant.  Then watch their reaction - $5 on a $8 bill will make someone’s WHOLE day AND get you warm fuzzy feelings beyond your dreams.
Don’t just tell someone you love, I love you. Tell them “I love your __________ because it’s _________.”

When the neighborhood cat thinks you are cool enough to nap on the flip-flops you left on your porch, you have arrived.  (Yes, that’s two cat thoughts.) Here are pictures of my old kitties. My Ex-Husband takes fabulous care of them – but even after all these years, I miss them…I am considering a road trip to see them. The orange Maine Coon is Pumpkin. The silky gray Maine Coon is Frodo.

If you are facing a challenge, you can decide who you are going to be.
Don’t let yourself react in your normal patterns. Pick the very next “attack” you get – could be someone cutting you off in traffic, a “nastygram” (what one of my clients calls a nasty text from his Ex), your work made harder by a co-worker and LET IT GO. Just laugh to yourself and prove that you can choose to rise above crappy stuff. If you practice doing this once a week, when something “hard” hits you’ll be in better shape to not trigger.

Do everything you can to help the bees where you live.  I just learned to cut my grass slower so the “weeds” with nectar stay there longer for them!

In Joy,

P.S. Have a lovely weekend!  I enjoyed my first webinar-challenges and all.  Because many of you missed it (and it could be because I switched webinar hosts at the last moment) I’ll get a replay out for everyone next week :-)
​​​​​​​I show Conscious Creators How to STOP Struggling and Apply the Spiritual Laws You Already Know So Your Life Reflects Your Purpose

Get Off Your Own Brakes.
 Identify. Manage. Reduce Fears.