[Choices] Hell YES, Hell NO & Hell...Maybe??

Published: Fri, 07/15/16

When you say “maybe” to children what happens?

THEY BUG YOU ENDLESSLY. Same result. Whatever option you say “Maybe” to, energetically just hangs around and “bugs” you.

You say MAYBE to put something off or avoid “shutting the door” on it. 

Well, whenever you choose ANYTHING you are shutting the door to SOMETHING. Even choosing indecision costs you.

Next 24 Hour Practice Tool: Whatever you agree to for the next 24 hours ALSO say out loud what you must have just said NO to.


1) I want you to RECOGNIZE what you're trading. We are always making tradeoffs – you just usually don’t notice it. Maybe is trying to skip that exchange.

2) Knowing what you are saying NO to will help you hold your ground when people challenge your decision. (Knowing what you DON’T want (your Hell NO!) gives you motivation.)

3) There is a price to pay for saying that No which you must be willing to pay. This is how you signal the Universe that you are serious about your yes - that is truly a HELL YES. HELL YESes dump rocket fuel into the Law of Attraction!

4) My mentor Rich Schefren defines Hell YES as a 10 of 10 and Hell NO as 9 of 10 (Hint: Commitment!)  When you don’t want to decide or admit this decision is a “6” you just say MAYBE. No. Such. Thing as HELL MAYBE.

For me, I am now saying HELL NO to people who are not saying HELL YES.

When you keep saying “Maybe” you are a NO.  Maybe is a cop out. Step in or step out of your life. Yes or no. Q: “Do you love me?” A: Maybe. Feeling: YUCK!!!

Stop ACCEPTING maybe and you'll turn a corner, boost your self-love and lower your stress. 

I really wanted to teach you in summer camp - but I only wanted a summer camp full of Hell Yeses.

This is me saying NO to people resting on the edge of Yes but needing convincing. Instead of trying to convince you, I am happier letting it be a HELL NO.

What feels amazing is I am honoring how (and WHO) I choose to teach. My decision to stop accommodating MAYBES in all areas of my life is your EXAMPLE TODAY. Where can YOU do that too?

Where can you stop chasing something, stop allowing iffy possibilities that make you feel icky (that “maybe” relationship and “maybe” job…) and just FREAKING REQUIRE THE HELL YES.

If you want to learn to apply HELL YES to get rid of that guy you can’t leave, stop your endless “it pays the bills” job search or even to finally apply my coaching (works on ALL 3) contact me now. No matter what, you’ll feel valuable just for checking.

(Poor people don’t even LOOK at the tags on the GOOD STUFF.)

Now. Go DO a HELL YES somewhere. And say HELL NO (out loud) to something today. (If you get caught cursing, tell them your coach is a lawyer and said it was ok!)

P.S. I asked God for something very cool and it manifested so fast I had to say HELL YES to it all day & write this post at…hey 2:22 am! I said HELL NO to breaking my commitment to teaching you every Friday morning. I’ll let you in on what it was next week with pictures. And I’ll share my birthday too!
​​​​​​​I show Conscious Creators How to STOP Struggling and Apply the Spiritual Laws You Already Know So Your Life Reflects Your Purpose

Get Off Your Own Brakes.
 Identify. Manage. Reduce Fears.