[Expectation] REAL Life Examples of How it Works!

Published: Wed, 08/03/16

Real Life Examples of How Expectation Works...

As a teacher I love giving you real life examples of what I'm teaching so you understand that this isn't just something from a moldy old book. If you have a great example on this – send it in!

HOPE is a 4 Letter Word

Expectation vs. Hope- Example for Work:

A friend shared this example - thank you J!

He was interviewing a candidate who wanted a management position. So he asked what he EXPECTED for his salary.

He said he "HOPED TO GET" X.

He knew immediately that the candidate had doubts and was weak on whether he could get or deserved the amount he was asking for! Super application of the lesson.

Expectation vs. Hope: Life or Death Situation

A dear friend called me sobbing, telling me that her aging father was being taken to the hospital too weak to stand, speak and unable to breathe well. She told me that she only "hoped to talk to him again".

I told her to EXPECT to talk to him. He indeed became lucid enough for them to talk. I then reminded her to stop and be grateful, as like all of us, she was already onto the “next” hope, worry & fear taking her miracle for granted.

Next she told me that she "hoped he could be sent home for hospice care". Because I love her, I then did the only right and courageous thing at that moment, I screamed at her. I told her to knock it the hell off! 

What to do when Crisis hits...
“Hoping” for hospice was really just expecting him to die.

All of this was based upon HER fears and NO medical input.

She needed to be shocked off of the doom train she was riding.

In the end, he had a stroke and is recovering and with our expectations helping - he is in no immediate danger.

AND she has seen the other HUGE blessings in the whole event too. Please be careful what you hope for and be grateful the moment any expectation arrives!

Read Last Wednesdays post for the example of Expectation vs. Hope ending my formally sucky birthdays!

I want you to actively start catching yourself when you're “hoping” and find a way to make it an expectation of what you really want. This will require some work. So what. It will change your life.

Remember - what you expect isn't always immediate - and it carries a price tag to legitimately go from doubt TO faith & certainty. Are you willing to pay that yet? I can help you do that. 

Congrats to "I Coach with Tanya" Jar Winner!

CONGRATS to Linda who was the first to send me a brilliant “I Coach with Tanya” Jar!

I am sending her a copy of one of my FAVORITE books, The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield that helps you get your ego (he calls it “resistance”) under control

AND a Gift Certificate for a 30 min coaching call FREE ($175 Value) when she sends me a photo of the jar HALF FULL! I always reward action.

P.S. Friday I am going to show you a few of the ways you might be tempted to USE EXPECTATION THE WRONG WAY, so you don’t put yourself onto a roller coaster of misery…and IF you are ON one- how to get off.

​​​​​​​I show Conscious Creators How to STOP Struggling and Apply the Spiritual Laws You Already Know So Your Life Reflects Your Purpose

Get Off Your Own Brakes.
 Identify. Manage. Reduce Fears.