[Perfection Part 2] How Mistakes Are GOOD For You!

Published: Fri, 09/30/16

How Mistakes Are Good for You!

A mistake happened on Wednesday with the Inbox Magazine "Perfection" issue (yes, you should laugh about that). And it led to the most amazing thing: TRUST.

Weathering Mistakes Grows Trust...
I sent my VA the draft to upload. He did it wonderfully. Then I went in, reformatted, fixed typos & changed links and got my post… wait for it… Perfect. And done EARLY.

At 6:30 am in the morning, a full 90 minutes before the inbox issue was to send, I woke up with the idea that I should check the caption of one of the images in the post. Weird.

What did I do? I rolled over! I am clearly NOT…Perfect.

Two hours after it sends, I spot there is no subject line. I have no clue what happened to it, the test send had one. So I took responsibility and resent it laughing at the irony.

My VA then realizes that he had accidentally deleted the FINAL copy and you guys got the draft, hence no subject line!!  (Insert GROAN here).

Did You Spot ALL the Lessons?
#1 The Universe WARNED ME and totally gave me a chance to fix my post. I did not act. Sigh.

#2 Please remember intuition doesn't usually send detailed messages.  It did the best it could by waking me and giving me an idea that would have led to me preventing the mistake. This is how intuition operates, it isn't direct.

#3 I took responsibility – to you and to my VA as I had a chance to fix it.

#4 My VA took responsibility for his mistake, not knowing if I’d be angry or fire him. That has increased our TRUST.

#5 I got the biggest blessing of all realizing that you love me so much you trusted and opened my email with no subject line (or allowing me a crazy intentional missing subject line)!
ALL of that Good Came From a Mistake

Kind of makes you wonder… If this wasn't just the plan the Universe had queued up for this week? 

I did everything "perfectly" and someone else made a mistake. I didn't get upset, trigger or spin.

Are you expecting other people to be perfect? Do you completely melt when people around you make a mistake? That can be a sign of your perfectionism projected outward onto other people. You need other people to be perfect too.

If you think you have to be perfect or you're terrified of making a mistake in a relationship - the truth is you don't have a very strong relationship. That's why perfection is ALWAYS associated with fear. You fear the hammer WILL fall on you for making the tiniest mistake. If you are feeling that way, immediately stop doing that to other people. 

When faced with an honest mistake (not one they've done seven times - that's a different issue) forgive it quickly, completely and happily.

Do unto others as you would have them… (Darn universal laws. Always working. Always applying. No exceptions. Sneaky. Very sneaky).

Can you be truly gracious with other people's mistakes?

When you have done your best, and it didn't work, how easy is it for you to let that go?

P.S.  If you haven't read it, go to the website here and see the "perfect" post on Perfectionism LOL! [Focus Mag] How to FAIL at Anything (a.k.a. Perfection).

​​​​​​​I show those READY for Better & WILLING to Change How to Transform their Lives from Messes to Miracles, Overflowing in Loving Relationships, Vibrant Health, Visible Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression. 

Get Off Your Own Brakes.