[Focus] What are You IGNORING?

Published: Fri, 11/04/16

[Focus] What are You IGNORING?

Go on. Be honest. There is something bothering you right now (ok, several things) that you are IGNORING. You are just…letting them ride.
The Root of "Ignorance" is to IGNORE
Why? Maybe because you think you can’t fix it. Maybe because you tried something and it didn’t work. Maybe it’s because you need someone else to help you and they are not reliable.

That last one was me. I was ignoring my front door lock. It was getting harder and harder to turn the lock, so I had to use two hands to close it properly. It took it awhile to get that bad and I ignored it because my (former!) handyman was such a pain in the butt to get out, that it just wasn’t worth it until I almost couldn’t close the door.

One day (only about a month ago) I fired him after 2 years of playing the “I wonder when he’ll arrive” game. No more calling and texting and chasing and waiting! And I examined the door, went to the hardware store, invested the time and fixed it myself!

Boom. $7 part + few hours = Fixed Door ->

Fixed What Was Ignored!
I wasn’t so much ignoring my door lock as ignoring the truth that I couldn’t consider this guy I really liked as my handyman any longer.

I am careful to keep truth in me and around me, so ignoring bad behavior because you like someone and “hope” (yep, I said it – right word because I had DOUBTS) they’ll change is NOT good. You aren’t helping them either, consequences are GOOD for folks.

What are YOU ignoring? Have you gained weight? A lot of weight? Here is a secret, we all gain weight 1 lb at a time, so if you are 30 lbs overweight it means you ignored the weight gain HUNDREDS of times to get that far off track.

I will now give you a powerful tool you can apply to just about everything and change your life.

Figure out the smallest unit you can track of whatever it is that is out of whack and go berserk to prevent the very next 1.

So, whatever your weight is now – do NOT gain ONE MORE POUND. No rounding up. No, it’s only just 2. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Draw the line and hold.  The mistake you make is worrying MORE about the weight that is ALREADY there than the weight you are STILL ADDING.

I do this with dishes. I am a busy woman. I have discovered that I IGNORE dishes in my sink when super busy. I ignore them until the tower of leaning dishes threatens my stove. Finally, I figured it out. I now have a law (not kidding). It is the Law of The One Plate.

You cannot, ever, EVER have a stack of dishes in your sink if you NEVER allow ONE PLATE to stay in the sink dirty. After I eat I walk straight to the sink and wash my ONE plate. This causes momentum to the forks and spoons and cups.

My sink is now ALWAYS CLEAR. I repeat “Law of One Plate” as I walk into the kitchen and now it’s a habit. It takes under 8 seconds to wash ONE plate (I counted.)

Don’t want to smoke? Law of ONE CIGARETTE.

Don’t want clutter? Law of ONE PAPER.

Applying "The Law of ONE" Prevents the Rise of MANY

Stop ADDING first. Then worry about reducing.

Whatever you are ignoring is not about that thing, look beneath it and tackle the real fear. (Clutter is lack and delayed decision making because you are a weak decision maker!)


P.S. I'm headed to Los Angeles for most of next week for a Coaching conference :-) I planned ahead and got your Focus Mag training and coaching post done so I can be 100% present for whatever gifts God has left for me there. I'm NOT using travel as an excuse to ignore my work!

P.P.S.  About 100 people's Focus Mag from Wednesday bounced - if you missed it- you can read it here [Focus Mag] "Let's Wait & See What Happens" Energy its about being Passive.

​​​​​​​I show those READY for Better & WILLING to Take Massive Action How to Transform their Lives from Messes to Miracles, Overflowing in Loving Relationships, Vibrant Health, Visible Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression. 

Get Off Your Own Brakes.