[How To] How to Support Somebody Else's Dream…

Published: Fri, 11/18/16

[How To] How to Support Somebody Else's Dream…

When somebody comes to you to share their dream, be careful! Dreams are fragile and small and defenseless much like newborn babies.


Dreams should be carefully cradles and given a safe space to grow..
Here are the steps to supporting someone else's dream:

#1 - Thank them for trusting you enough to share their dream and vision with. This is identical to handing your brand-new, three hour old baby to somebody else to hold. It means they trust you to NOT drop their child!

#2 - Ask them how they want to be supported. I teach there are two kinds of support. I call one Boy Support and the other Girl Support. (Work with me here people, these labels will help you remember what they are easily!)

Boys support is in masculine energy and it is problem-solving, analyzing, looking for the weaknesses. Boy support focuses on "how to", effort, probability and risk. 

Girl support is from feminine energy and it is receiving and accepting and supporting and more "cheerleader-y". Girl support focuses on "why to", passion, connection and confirmation. 

Girl Support Boy Support

#3 - Give them what they asked for! So often we give people what we think they need or what we would want. Give them what they ask for!

You might see the thousand different ways their idea won't work - but if they asked for Girl Support, don't go there. You can add "Hey, when you're ready to do the troubleshooting there's some stuff I can share with you, just let me know."

That is loving and respectful. That says, I TRUST YOU TO MAKE YOUR DECISIONS.

And for you quick studies out there – yes, you can use this exact same technique when someone comes to you with a problem or are melting down. 

Thank them for trusting you and seeing you as safe, ask the kind of support they need and give it to them. 

I can't tell you how often I was about to launch into my list of the 17 things I saw “wrong” when the answer to the question was: I just want you to hug me and tell me things will work out.

For my serial overachievers - stretch and apply this to YOURSELF! 

The next time you have a dream or problem or you are spinning - ask yourself whether YOU need Boy Support or Girl Support.

Then either give it to yourself or go look for somebody who can give that support to you. 

We all know which of our friends skew more toward Boy or the Girl Support naturally.

Make it easy and pick the person whose strength is already the support you need!

Do you need someone who can give you Boy Support & Girl Support and get you moving on that dream? That’s me. Hit reply and introduce yourself!

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P.S. NEXT FRIDAY IS BLACK FRIDAY -  You inbox may melt from all the sales! Commit to finding my post and $77.77.  I told you I am up to something kinda awesome! Right now it’s worth $632.50! 

​​​​​​​I show those READY for Better & WILLING to Take Massive Action How to Transform their Lives from Messes to Miracles, Overflowing in Loving Relationships, Vibrant Health, Visible Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression. 

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