[Focus Mag] One Word That Changes Your Life...

Published: Wed, 11/23/16

One Word That Changes Your Life…Simplify

You do too much. You promise too much. You worry too much. You fear too much.

Why you should begin simplifying right now – and how to start.

Steve Jobs – Apple Co-Founder

“That has been one of my mantras – Focus and Simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” 
Simplify Your Health, Wealth, Love & Work


    What Simplicity Offers
    Why We Seek Complexity
    Your Ego Rewards the Complicated
    How to Simplify Your Life in 4 Steps

What Simplicity Offers

You actually can't find anyone who will tell you they have a problem with things being simple.

In fact, we vote with our dollars and we repeatedly pay more for products that advertise that it makes something "easier" or "simpler".

Our lives today are like gardens overgrown with weeds. Statistics tell us we hear 1,000 or more “ads” every day. There is always someone trying to sell us something.

In addition to that, our jobs have grown complicated. Heck, even our family structures have grown complicated - where it used to just be mom dad and the kids. 

Simplicity offers relief. 

Simplicity offers security - because when things are simple you can know that you made the right choice. Not so long ago, if a stranger knocked on your door you invited them inside made them comfortable and probably fed them a meal. That was considered simple and kind. 

Simplicity offers clarity, which is power.  Years ago, if a man pledged his love to you it meant he wanted to marry you, give you his name, his protection and lifelong financial support for you and the children you would have. Three words told the woman ALL of that instantly. That was simple to understand and powerful. 

Do not give into the myth that simplicity is no longer possible. It is been obscured but never destroyed.  

Just look at the "tiny house movement".  Huge push to simplify. 

Why We Seek Complexity

I'll give you two guesses who really likes complexity?
My ego. And your ego.

One of the things I've discovered in the process of coaching people from all over the world is that the ego operates the same in all people. 

One of ego's favorite things is to seek, "long, slow complex struggle."

You allow your ego the most freedom to run your life and make your decisions when you are afraid. When you are surrounded with chaos, you vote emergency authority to your ego and curl up in a little ball and hide.

The ego has figured out that continuing chaos and difficulty in your life is its best bet for survival. To keep itself safe and it's power protected, it will encourage you to choose the complex over the simple, the long over the short and the struggle over the easy every time.

Love Does Not Seek Complexity, But Fear Does

It's one of the reasons that we kind of laugh when we see people in love, because they start looking at life as if it were “simple.” They start behaving as if there was less "clutter" in the world.

In our arrogance observing another "fool in love", we missed the fact that love simplifies. 

Ever talk to a teenage girl who is hysterical? If you try to talk to her about what's actually upsetting her, she cannot see it or simplicity anywhere. Everything is convoluted, complex, connected, causal and confusing. 

That of course is WHY she cannot fix it. Her ego gives her a maze that is impossible to navigate and thereby absolves her of her responsibility to take action on her own behalf. Soo...she spins and hopes for rescue (note the victim mentality here).  This pattern continues into adulthood.

The work of simplifying is the work of breaking the habit of expecting, seeking and preferring the complex. 

Your Ego Rewards the Complicated

You have to take on your ego to simplify your life. Now you can see why you haven't done it yet.

On the flipside, you don't have to do anything for your life to be complex. And your ego rewards you for letting it have its way. 

You're probably wondering how your ego rewards you? Your ego gives you positive feedback when you do what it wants to train you to do the OPPOSITE of what is good for you.

In the presence of something that is complex, you feel more relaxed. In the presence of something that is challenging you feel a certain "attraction". (i.e., I can fix that troubled man!)

In the presence of a struggle, you subconsciously start thinking about how you are going to "TRIUMPH" (this was my old pattern). 

I had an on-again off-again, roller coaster relationship with a guy who was only comfortable with women who were a train wreck.  These women made him feel more confident, more desired, totally needed (I didn't NEED him enough), safer (as if THEY were going to leave!) and he had an escape route. 

If he wanted to leave, he always had a reason and if it didn't work out he could say it didn't really matter.

His ego had conditioned him with negative associations when he got around a healthy woman like me.

He was under constant stress and pressure whenever he was around me (self-judgment) and yet felt very relaxed around the crazy women.  

His ego punished him with constant anxiety for choosing me (the "you aren't good enough" variety) and rewarded him with less responsibility and less guilt when he stayed with choices that brought drama and chaos into his life. 

As long as he picked the crazy women, he could misbehave all he liked. If he picked the healthier woman - by God there were actually consequences for that shit!

If you look for this conditioning, you won’t like it, but you WILL find it. 

It’s Never Too Late to Simplify

It's never too late to simplify. You will have to take on your ego to do it but the ROI on simplifying is always exponential. 

And because I love you I'm going to make this simple - you can use my famous four steps for this too. 

How To Simplify Your Life in 4 Steps

Step 1 Commitment: This step is the most critical. If you want relief, you have to commit to doing whatever it takes to simplify your life.

So many people misunderstand commitment. They look for the favorable set of circumstances that will make the commitment "work". They do not understand by Universal Law those favorable circumstances are called into existence only AFTER the commitment has been made!

You commit while you don't know how. You commit while you're afraid. You commit while you're uncomfortable. You commit before you can afford it.

Commitments that change your life are never made easily or with a complete plan in hand.

You do not need to know “how” when you make the commitment. Making the commitment will bring the “how” to you. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I Commit to Simplifying My Life Starting Now. 

Step 2 Clarity: To have clarity you must tell yourself the truth about what stands between you and your commitment.

Telling the truth is hard because you don't realize how often you lie to yourself. To make this easy, take these four areas of your life and admit the truth:

My Health - Long, slow complex struggle or Simple?

My Wealth - Long, slow complex struggle or Simple?

My Love - Long, slow complex struggle or Simple?

My Work - Long, slow complex struggle or Simple?

Step 3 Choices: If you make a strong commitment and then tell the truth, your choices will always immediately drop to one of two things - you either change something to keep your commitment or you choose to stay the same. 

Do I have to change something to bring simplicity to my health?

To your wealth?

To your love life?

To your work?

Step 4 Action: This step is where inspired action usually arrives. It is where the Divine assists you. Please note that everyone is looking to God to act FIRST and actually he acts FOURTH!

Here you identify one step, one action you can do that will enable you to begin keeping your commitment.

Take a deep breath and put your hand on your heart (this helps connect your intuition) and ask yourself what simple thing can I do to bring more simplicity to my health?

Ask the question for all four areas of your life. Trust what you get. Because you asked for a simple action, do not be surprised if you get a one-word answer, like "breathe." In my experience, hearts only speak in single words. 

Commit to doing whatever you thought, felt, saw or heard. 

Do I need to say it? Keep it simple. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Tanya Recommends:

Want more from yourself and your life in 2017? 

Do the SIMPLE thing and let me guide you.  Because you’ve invested in reading this training, I am leaking my Black Friday Offer to you EARLY.

I will personally help you make a SIMPLE plan for improving 3 main areas of your life for 2017. Health, Wealth & Love.


GET: Group Training, a Private Call and (3) Hypnotherapy mp3s


Want more with less effort?  Check this out right now… You are also getting a bonus that WON'T be given to the folks who DON'T read THIS training before Friday! 


I reward your time and quick action.  Offers ends 9 am EST Sun 11/27

Want amazing help with your 2017 and awesome tools for right now? Check this out now. (Yes, Clients may get this.)

Pick the ONE area of your life that is the messiest. Begin your simplifying here. Why? When a person is very overweight they actually loose weight MORE quickly in the beginning than the fitter folks. Same principle. If you pick the messiest area, it will be easy for you to find something to release or change that will make a difference. 

An example for clutter, you might make a commitment to handling just 5 items a day for 1 week. 5 items daily sorted, filed, tossed out, put away or appropriately handled.  Very simple. What happens is you weaken your strong resistance to the work, you pick up momentum and you begin feeling MORE in control which keeps you from adding to the clutter you are already reducing. 
Love is Truth. Truth is Simple. Therefore, Love is Simple.

Because love allows all without resistance there can be no complexity where no explanation is sought or required.

Look at a brand new baby, a puppy or sunset. That feeling is simple. That feeling is true. That feeling is Love. 

Rumi, famed 13th Century Poet & Scholar wrote, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ​​​​​​​Simplify so you may Love.
Wow, Did You Hear?
"Take it as Beauty" A Survivor's Poem
Ms. X – Client Outside U.S.

Working with her, I uncovered an unhealed trauma. A rape. I taught her how to process it to bring it into the present so she could release and heal it. For part of that, she journaled.

She told the awful story again on paper and then burned it. Out of these ashes, one bit of paper remained. On it visible, “take it as…beauty”. 

I told her God was speaking to her and to write a poem about this beauty. This is what flowed…

Take it As Beauty…

I don't know why you love me
Of course I know it's true
I see it in every word you speak 
And everything that you do

You call me beautiful 
I don't believe it at all
Not after everything that has happened 
Not after that terrible fall

Beautiful on the outside 
Beautiful inside of me
Like a rare flower 
On top of the tallest tree

I watch how you try to redeem me
Day in and day out
I notice you resurrecting my dreams 
And showing me what life is all about 

So I have come to a decision 
It must be a fact
I am certain that you love me
And I will love you back

Name Reserved
18 Nov 2016

I am Blessed to speed this healing and bring world notice to this BEAUTY. I love you Honey.

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