[Happiness] STOP Blocking Your Own Happiness

Published: Fri, 12/09/16

[Happiness] STOP Blocking Your Own Happiness

I'm a really happy person. People are always asking me WHY I'm so happy. Their question is very telling, because it implies that there should be a "reason" for my happiness.


Happiness is an Inside Job

Happiness is actually our natural state. While that sounds like spiritual psychobabble – it is actually true. All the great teachers will tell you that happiness is not gained by things you ADD to your life, but noticed as you take things AWAY. Your happiness is usually blocked by the conditions you stack in front of it.

So I want to talk to you for a moment about those requirements. Let's get honest. What are the things that you have to have - the conditions that you are requiring in order to BECOME happy? What conditions do you require to STAY happy?  These are your blocks. 

I had a relationship with a guy who was always worried about either ‘losing something he had’ or ‘not getting something he wanted’. Think about that for a moment. That occupied ALL of his time and he never really felt happy. So clearly, we didn't work out.

Is it that promotion you need? Is it when you get the debt paid off? Once you turn the marriage around? Once the kids get out of the house? Once you lose the weight? Once you've found the magic elixir to love yourself? Once your Mom apologizes or husband supports your business? 

These are all conditions that you're requiring to BE happy. Now here is the scary part. The majority of the conditions that you require for happiness are not 100% within YOUR control.

Keep Your Happiness Under Your OWN Control
If you "need" something to be happy and it's not 100% within your control - you are either a crazy person or a gambler.  (See Triggering Training)

Don't you get furious when your boss assigns you a project and it requires info from other people and you can't get their input! You can't complete YOUR project without these other people that you CAN’T control or make do their part. Everybody hates that.  And yes, that's exactly what you do with your happiness.

Your condition requires other people to change (or even maintain) something they're doing to MAKE you happy. Odds? Low.

Stop It. 

Find one thing you are spinning over, waiting for another person to CHANGE and figure out how to let that go.

Figure out how to be happy whether that thing goes your way or not.

Be Happy Either Way

Yoda suggested that we train ourselves to let go of the thing we think we must have - let go of what you fear to lose. As we grasp too tightly to all these things and conditions and achievements and goals we NEED to become happy - we've become more and more unhappy.
I've realized this year that I have done what makes me happy NOW. I'm not waiting for my next goals and dreams to THEN be happy. My life is right now and I'm enjoying it.

Are you?


Let me know why you think this is… I'm curious about your thoughts on this. Love you!  

​​​​​​​I show those READY for Better & WILLING to Take Massive Action How to Transform their Lives from Messes to Miracles, Overflowing in Loving Relationships, Vibrant Health, Visible Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression. 

Get Off Your Own Brakes.