[Focus Mag] Tanya’s Recipe for Breaking Bad Patterns

Published: Wed, 11/30/16

Tanya’s Recipe for Breaking Bad Patterns (Gluten Free!)


(1)    BAD PATTERN that keeps tripping you up
(1)    REASON to break that pattern

         (to move you through discomfort)
(1)    WILLINGNESS to trust it’s actually “you”

         (because it IS)

Today I’m doing a solid for my clients and friends who already know a Bad Pattern (BP) I've spotted for them.

For those of you who don’t know yours – below is a quick and easy way to figure one out so you can play today too!

Yasmin Mogahed – Islamic Writer/Teacher

“Study the hurtful patterns of your life and then don’t repeat them.”
Learning Your Own Bad Patterns is Like...


Let’s get you a Bad Pattern to work with today.

What is My Bad Pattern?

Make a list of 5-10 bad situations in your life. Like divorce, job loss, feud with your brother, etc. While it is easiest if you have REPEATING situations (3 men broke your engagement or 2+ best friends who freaked out on you), it is not necessary.

Look down the list clinically, like you are NOT you. Look for…the pattern in YOU. What did you do in all of these situations? Sometimes, it is not what you do, but what you constantly think or fear.  Most of your BPs are too subtle for you to spot but you should find at least one obvious one.

Now for the shortcut, ask your best friend because they KNOW what your pattern is.  They may not want to be blunt and tell you, but tell them you want it so you can fix it or just sent them this training.

For today, we are going to use a fairly common Bad Pattern – Great Starter, Poor Finisher Pattern (aka “The All In Begin, Epic Fail End”). That is a pattern where you start STRONG. You are on board. Ready to go and pushing hard. In fact, too hard. You redline it in overdrive. You go All In in the beginning and either fizzle out or melt down just before the finish line. 

Predictable result? Everyone rushes in to comfort and pity you for your “near” success. You get PRAISE for your Bad Pattern instead of “WTF is the matter with you?” THAT keeps you stuck in the loop.

#1 Bad Pattern That Keeps Tripping You Up

Humans are a collection of habits. Your brain doesn’t even like to think, did you know that? It prefers to take in “new” data and match it to the closest pattern or template it has and then use that OLD response to your NEW situation. 

So if you had a guy stay out really late without calling and then it turns out he cheated on you -> WHAMMO. Pattern formed! Now you get twitchy if anyone is out late without constant checking in. 

Patterns that are made with strong emotion form a scar & can cement from a SINGLE toxic event.

Your patterns are making you or breaking you.  The moment your conscious attention slips from fatigue, distraction or emotion, your pattern takes over. It is nearly impossible to consciously override your strongest patterns (subconscious programming) by effort or will. The pattern must be deliberately broken and re-written for successful outcomes.

#2 Reason To Break That Pattern 

You have your pattern or are using my common sample? Good. Now we need a reason for you to kick this sucker. Do not SKIP this part. It’s not a fanciful woo-woo step. Without this your attempt will fail. 

Humans are wired to seek and MAINTAIN comfort. Without a problem making us do something different, our conscious minds LOVE maintaining the status quo. 

Ever wonder why PAIN outsells chances at growth/pleasure or improvement/prevention? Now you know. PAIN says, change something. No pain? No Gain (as in reason to act). 

If I ran an ad that said, “Improve Your Marriage for More Happiness $97” versus “Stop Your Divorce and Save Yourself Legal Fees $97” be honest – which one seems more valuable? Point made.  

I teach your reason is most powerful when it has BOTH sides of this coin. Not just avoid the legal battle, but your chance at a happily ever after too. Not just lose weight to lessen preventable disease as you age, but feeling attractive to yourself & others. 

You need both because your ego, who is NOT on your side (shocker I know) will call BS on your reason as soon as it can and your flip side is your back up.

Great Starter & Poor Finisher – the sample reasons:

       PAIN:                                                    PLEASURE:

Crap Ass Example Set for My Kids                Kid See Me Model What                                                                               I Require

People Don’t Trust Me & Neither Do I            I’ll Be Able to Trust                                                                                     Myself to Get Things Done

My Money is Inconsistent b/c I Am Too         I’ll Make More Money

Unfinished Things Give Crazy Work Stress    Work Is Easier When I’m                                                                             On Schedule

#3 Willingness To Trust It’s Actually “You” (Because It IS)

Lastly, we need you to stop blaming your PATTERN on other PEOPLE. I have a saying, “It’s Your Pattern, Not the People.”  Meaning, stop looking around for external events to explain why it’s NOT you.

If you don’t own the pattern is from you, you cannot shift it and your denial is resistance. 

If you’ve heard my Self-Love Coaching call, I explain the moment when I uncovered my old BP of attracting men who fall in love with me and then just DISAPPEARED. I did this a crazy number of times, 7 or 9. And then, one day in my kitchen it occurred me. F! It must be ME. (BP Spotted!)

For years, friends agreed I had found ANOTHER a$%hole. Imagine my shock when I realized it was me! My BP was “fearing abandonment”, so I attracted people who’d leave. Nothing like a good old fashioned abandonment wound! (Healed it!)

Get it? Take your pattern, review your life and own all the disasters your BP has created. And yes, the pattern often manifests in multiple areas, if not all. Great Starter, Poor Finisher shows up simultaneously in money, health, relationships and career VERY EASILY.

Let’s Break that BP

When we were children we were taught if you caught Fire - Stop. Drop. And ROLL. 

Noticing a harmful pattern is just like being on FIRE. I want you to:

STOP the pattern.

DROP your resistance. 

ROLL out a new plan.

Stop the Pattern

How? Just notice it. 

Awareness is 80% of it, I promise.  In the beginning, you will have to consciously check for your pattern.  Like a bug you saw crawl in the house, assume it’s still there if you didn’t squish it yet.

Drop Your Resistance

How? Just own it. 

Save time and stress by not freaking out when you spot it at work. YOU are not a bad person. YOU have a bad habit. You are fixing it. Give yourself some love. NOW is when you pull out your reason.

If your main reason is strong enough, you’ll shut up, stop blaming and own it. 

And no backsliding into, “…if Wendy had gotten me the documents sooner…” Wendy got you the docs late because your pattern of Epic Fail requires some kind of landmine occur near the end to stop or distract you. If she’d been on time, you’d have still found a way to hit your pattern, trust me.

Roll Out a New Plan

How? Do something different. Anything opposite the pattern works.

If you usually wait until the last moment to start, start earlier. Always 5 mins late for an appointment? Require more buffer time. Figure out one thing you can do to interrupt the bad pattern so it doesn’t run its full course.

I told my client yesterday, ask yourself 10x a day, “How can I break my pattern today?”

If your BP is yelling at kids when you are tired, when you catch yourself jump up and down 3 times while clapping (something silly). It acts as a pattern interrupt (mental manual override!) and then you can choose differently.

Poor finishers need to start finishing every single thing they start, no exceptions, to build the new pattern of finishing.

Your patterns are the clearest evidence of what you REALLY believe, not just what you WANT to believe. They show me the dark corners where your ego is hiding. You cannot fix what you do not SEE and acknowledge as broken, so spotting the places where you continually get “derailed” is

Once you’ve got one, STOP, DROP and ROLL.

P.S. Other Common Bad Patterns? "I Need a Fight to Win", "I Don't Start Until It's a Crisis", "The Love or Money", "The Rescuer (see The Dark Side of Giving) and about 5 more sub-versions of Bad Finisher (Self-Sabotage, Fizzle Outer, Noble Distraction...)

Tanya Recommends:

If you haven’t heard it, I recommend you listen to my Self-Love Coaching Call.  I share about my old "Abandonment Fear" that made such a strong Bad Pattern for me in my past. 

You can download the call from my Self-Love Starter Kit here. The call is 75 mins and life changing. Check out what some folks from around the world said about it below in, "Wow, Did You Hear?"

Pattern breaking is like breaking an addiction. Do NOT focus on breaking the pattern for the rest of your life!

Your ego will have a field day showing you how impossible that feels for you to do.

Commit to break the pattern every time you SPOT IT and to actively LOOK FOR IT. That is more than enough. If you are dedicated, most patterns break inside of a month, some much faster.
The patterns you write for yourself bind you because they become a “Law” to your mind. When “If A, then B” is your Law, seeing A, you’ll react to B even BEFORE it arrives. That generates expectation that requires B to arrive, like it or not.

All patterns create and reinforce expectations. Take advantage of this by rewriting your patterns to create expectations that you WANT rather than fear. ​​​​​​​
Wow, Did You Hear?

Listeners to the "Self-Love Coaching Call" From Around the World Say...
Listeners to Self-Love Coaching Call From Around the World Say...
Invest 75 minutes in yourself & Listen...

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