[Happiness] Don't Seek Success Without Failure...

Published: Fri, 12/16/16

[Happiness] Don’t Seek Success Without Failure…

Think about it for a moment. Most things DON’T work out perfectly. 

Not everyone you date, should you marry. And not everyone you marry, should you STAY married to.

Not every business started survives (95% go under). Not every workout is perfect.

Not every time you have sex will fireworks explode and you see stars.

Sooo…Why are we all disappointed? Against all reason, ego trains us to define success as everything always working out. Sounds silly when I say it like that right?

And even when things DO work, they rarely work perfectly on the very FIRST TRY.

What if you RESET your Success Definition to: Once I do my best, I’ll expect what I want and then ALLOW what happens to happen?

Wouldn’t you stay happier?

Do Not Seek Success Without Failure...

99% of the people you date (or dated) are NOT a good fit for you. So why anguish over a break up or bad date? Guy #47 NOT working doesn’t prevent #62 from being HIM. You don’t need every guy to work, just one is a success. Success possible without failure? Nope.

Most millionaires do not reach their success in their first business; in fact you can google millionaires/leaders who’ve been bankrupt first. The list includes 5 U.S. Presidents including Abraham Lincoln (+3 others were close to it). Success likely without failure? Nope. 

When you seek success without failure you will get what you fear, the failures. 

Stop and notice - are you focused on a single loss in your string of wins? Unless you are playing in the World Series, single elimination time (God Bless my Chicago Cubs!), focusing on a single loss diverts you from your happiness. 

I was just down in Texas visiting my dad and stepmom (love her!). The 5 day visit was amazing with just a single moment of stickiness. I watched myself start to trigger. I could SEE my ego trying to reclassify my ENTIRE awesome 5 day visit as a failure because of ONE thing not working. 

That meant my ego was using the “EVERY last thing must go exactly right to feel success" standard. WHO IS EVER GOING TO MAKE THAT?!? 

No one will. That’s the point. Success consistently without failure? Nope.

The ability to let some things “not work” and still feel like a success and be happy builds flexibility (my word for 2017) and shows self-love (total acceptance).

No success is a string of perfect wins. Since you know that, stop expecting perfection. 

This is my favorite graphic on success. It is NOT a straight line! Once people have made it and tell their stories, they tell them linearly so it just SOUNDS clear and direct.
Success is NOT a Straight Line

Oprah’s life started with not 1 rape but multiple ones from her cousin, a family friend, her mother’s boyfriend & an uncle leading to a stillborn pregnancy at 14! That means she started life in victim energy (understandable but dangerous) and NOW look where she is in part BECAUSE of those losses.

Every single thing in my LIFE led me to this moment here where I get to teach people around the world! I bless all the failures in my string of successes: hard jobs, worse clients, a divorce, a miscarriage and lost friendships. 

You don’t need to avoid failure to succeed, be happy and live your life of purpose.  


P.S. Just for today, where can you let something not work, take whatever responsibility (or Fault) that’s yours and then focus on the SUCCESSES instead of melting down?

​​​​​​​I show those READY for Better & WILLING to Take Massive Action How to Transform their Lives from Messes to Miracles, Overflowing in Loving Relationships, Vibrant Health, Visible Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression. 

Get Off Your Own Brakes.