[Focus Mag] Great News! It IS Your Fault :-)

Published: Wed, 12/14/16

Why it IS your fault, all your fault and only your fault…

Let's be clear, I don't even like the word "fault". But you all insist on using this word and recognizing this word-so I'll use it too.

So when I say it's all your fault - what am I talking about? Everything.

OK, I'll be more detailed, your husband cheating on you is your fault.
Your state of health is your fault.
Your lack of money is your fault.
Whatever crazy thing your children are doing is your fault.

Feeling a little Triggered? I know. Stay with me. Let’s work...

Dalai Lama

When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot. 
If you are born poor...


Fault is Creation

This past week I've explained this concept of fault to an 18-year-old and a seventy-year-old and a few other people in between. The defensive cry of the ego is, "oh, so you're saying this is ALL my fault?" (If you could please insert an eye roll, plus a shocked look and an unbelieving tone you've got this perfectly). 

Yes. I say to their consternation or if you prefer a shorter word, annoyance. 

It is interesting to me that the word “fault” has become almost synonymous with responsibility. Kind of let's you know how our society generally views the word responsibility doesn't?

However, a better word for fault is creation. At the base of it, nothing ever happens to you by ACCIDENT. The Universe does not permit, allow, support or manifest victims.

We were given Dominion and free will. We are at cause in our lives.

(Fyi - The most common reason a husband cheats is to reflect back to his wife HER lack of commitment to HERSELF. Her issue causes her to attract a man with present or future commitment issues). 

Sharks In The Water

I survived a man who tried to kill me in Law School. Was that my fault? Damn Skippy!

I had pushed & become highly book educated but at the same time ignored growth of my self-love and self-worth. Result? I was vulnerable to predators. I was crying out for somebody to love me without ME LOVING ME which is blood in the water for sharks.

If you dump enough blood in the water where there are sharks, a shark will come and eat you. Is that the sharks fault? No! 

I don't think they would let me speak at domestic violence shelters and conventions because I would walk in and tell everybody - wait for it - this is YOUR creation! When you stop giving off victim energy and stop dumping blood in the water you WILL stop attracting sharks!

This is a Universal law. It's not going anywhere.

(Remember the woman I coached who had been raped once and had more than SEVEN separate other men attempt to attack her? It was HER. She is so grateful it was her creation because she has now broken her old cycle.)

The Law of Triggering (tm)

Most of you are familiar with the Law of Attraction  generally summarized as the law of "like to like". The majority of you are less familiar with what I call the Law of Triggering (last weeks training post).

If you are busy being a victim under the law of like to like, you'll attract friends who are victims and enablers. That's pretty clear. However, under the Law of Triggering, God aggravates the wound you already have so you SEE it and step forward to fix It. So, by Law, you also attract what triggers your victimhood, i.e. predators.

In my opinion, the Law of Triggering, as I've chosen to baptize it, can be a lot more important of the Law of like to like. You see, when you attract to yourself what you are, it's so comfortable that it doesn't occur to you anything is wrong.

When you attract what hurts you you pay attention because you're in pain. Unfortunately, this is where blame steps in and you project the reason for the pain onto another person, defeating the original purpose. Stop that.

Most Important Teaching

If you wanted one teaching from me this entire year that would change your life-it would be:

Take 100% responsibility for ALL of the bad that's ever happened in your life. (I don't have to tell you to take responsibility for the good, we seem to be pretty good at that one).

This is what I always tell my coaching clients, if it's you, I can fix it. If it's somebody else, you're effed.

Do you know that most of the fights that you have, are fights where the other person wants YOU to take responsibility for something? Imagine how many fights disappear if you stepped forward to all arguments and said “You know what? I got it. This is me. I messed something up. I'll go figure it out.” Crickets. Silence. Tumbleweeds. There would be nothing else to say.    

There's more science that I could stack in a room that tells you that your state of mind, how you think & the words you say affect the state of your health. Every millionaire on the planet talks about and focuses on the SAME THINGS - that your mindset and core beliefs CREATE your life. 

What if it REALLY IS YOU?

What if… It really was you? If you can handle that truth, you can change your life. And people who handle this truth ARE the people who change our world.

I don't have a lot of stressors in my life because I own 100% responsibility for any that I DO get it. Universe doesn't  have to chase me around with escalating problems anymore because the minute I see one, I look at it and go wow -Tanya, you missed something here. What is it?

So while I don't like the word fault, very negative feeling, if you can get yourself to total responsibility, you can create the life that you actually want.

I transform people in three stages. The first stage is Massive Truth. The second stage is Massive Action. That leads to the third stage, Massive Transformation.

You need to be wrong about whose fault (responsibility) this is.

If this is YOUR fault, there's nothing you can't be do or have.
If this is NOT your fault, there's nothing you can be do or have.

Tanya Recommends:

Take your current bath soap and shower gel in your hands and pray over it and ask that it remind you to release and "wash away" your desire to blame others for what YOU have created. 

You do not need an elaborate prayer, just the clear intention. When you shower remember your intention and this easy ritual will help you keep your focus. 

Note: Rituals get all of their power from YOU, not objects. We find that by using an object over and over with the same clear intention it builds up a "charge" or focus. You can charge any object you want with any focus you want with a simple prayer or meditation if you prefer.

So, yes, "lucky socks" do work but not because of the SOCKS! Go forth, I grant you Dominion over your shower gel! (I think I'll do a post on this.)

Write down 3 things you last said or thought were “someone else’s” fault. Now, rewrite them so you are at cause – how did YOU create these situations? If that's too hard, at least identify how you contributed.

And remember you can CREATE a situation by needing to be TRIGGERED in that exact way to force you to look at yourself.

Translation: The thing that you are mad at is a LESSON. Your Triggers Teach. What do you need to learn? 
The reason we avoid taking responsibility or fault is because we then have to own that we acted out of fear and not love. When you act from fear, it must fail by law. Sometimes it's sooner and sometimes it is later, but it will fail.

By telling ourselves the truth about how often we act from fear, we can see the true cost and redouble our efforts stay responsible for our creations. And staying 100% responsible is much easier when you act from love. 

It is said, "With great power comes great responsibility." It would be more correct to say, "Take great responsibility and great power WILL follow."
Wow, Did You Hear?
Dream Home Manifested for the Holidays
Karen, Client in Canada
Great article [on Triggering] Tanya..
I was just triggered this morning..and went straight to your article to read it. I knew you would have some sage advice... Yup I was right LOL. I wanted to hold onto my grudge and bad feeling a little longer..but can't now...LOL...

Thanks a lot!!  Lol. 

Have a blessed day my friend... I love love love my new home!

[Client manifested her dream home!]
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