Alphas, please let yourself want what you want.
I want you to want what you REALLY want even if:
You don’t know how to get it.
You aren’t sure it exists.
No one around you has it yet.
don’t have money to buy it right now.
You aren’t sure you “deserve” it.
You aren’t sure you are READY for it.
Please let yourself want what you want.
All of the great change in this world has happened because some Alpha somewhere decided to want what they wanted:
an end to polio, effective birth control, clean water, education, the right to vote, the laptop lifestyle, tampons, automatic transmissions, sugar free CHOCOLATE and GREAT husbands (you can only get a great one if you can say no to the “good” ones – that goes for mates AND opportunities).
I wanted new incense and I wanted variety and I require high quality. I bought 14 packages with 19 different kinds from 3 different vendors. I paid 225% more for one sampler pack that was out of stock, just to get it when I wanted it (It came on Valentine’s Day!).