[Health] The Diet Tip You've Never Heard (that always works)

Published: Fri, 06/02/17

Photo of Tanya, Coach for Alpha Women Entrepreneurs

The Diet Tip You've Never Heard (that always works)

Here's What You Need To Know First -

There is no safe place outside of you,

IF there is no safe place inside of you.

There is No Safe Place OUTSIDE of You, IF there is No Safe Place INSIDE of You

You’ve heard me say it before- as within so without.

One cool thing to notice about truth is that it usually flows both ways.

So, when there is no safe place INSIDE of you-there can also never be a safe place OUTSIDE of you.

I always have my Alphas focused INSIDE for this reason.

How Most Alphas Mess Up Weight Loss

Yes, you can engineer, rig or force the external to “look right” for a little bit but it will always course correct to what you truly believe you deserve based upon the state of your inner being.

That is why I tell my Alphas, if you want to lose weight, you need to love yourself right now.

So if you’re fat, dumpy, frumpy, lumpy and grumpy-you are pretty much going to stay that way until you can muster up some appreciation for your form right NOW.

Hint: This is why 95% of diets fail. They are an external solution to an internal problem.

Diets fail because their motive is FEAR not LOVE
You don’t love yourself after you lose weight - you start loving yourself now and THEN you’ll start losing weight.

That’s the inside out approach.

Alphas who love themselves after they lose weight have given themselves conditional love, which everybody knows is kind of worthless.

When the only love you can get is kind of worthless, you keep believing that YOU are kind of worthless.

The thing all of the weight-loss gurus do not want you to know is that it mostly doesn’t matter which diet you pick, if you start it from the inside out.

Why do you think there’s a massive profusion of weight loss programs like weight watchers that now offer “group components”? They are trying to give you the love!

They call it support - but the reason that you need all this “extra support” to drink more water, eat less sugar and move a bit more is because you don’t like yourself enough to do it right now.

Pay close attention if you’re having to “bribe yourself” to take better care of your health. It’s kind of like having to sleep with a guy in order to get him to be nice to you. It pretty much means that you don’t like yourself enough to believe you are worth Quality treatment without payment.

Do you need a 'bribe' to love yourself?

If you talk to people who are healthy and at a good weight for a long time - you’ll notice that they don’t use bribes.

They don’t have a “get into the swimsuit”, “get his love” or "get to cheat day" or any other external motive for their health.

They are, quite simply, good to their body because they love themselves and the body that they’re in.

It’s safe INSIDE them, so their body reflects that with a safer OUTSIDE.

Start from where you are while telling yourself the truth about your self-dislike and you’ll be able to change it. If you can’t change it, Dig Me Up, I can.

P.S. When I get too busy, I stop making as much time for myself, which isn't self-loving. That translates into a messy kitchen -> less cooking -> eating junky food out. 

I'm now VERY mindful of this bad cycle.  If my kitchen looks unsafe (Outer), it's reflecting dips in my self-love (Inner) which then show up on my body (Outer) and are fixed by better care of me (Inner). See it? 


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