You’ve heard me say it before- as within so without.
One cool thing to notice about truth is that it usually flows both ways.
So, when there is no safe place INSIDE of you-there can also never be a safe place OUTSIDE of you.
I always have my Alphas focused INSIDE for this reason.
How Most Alphas
Mess Up Weight Loss
Yes, you can engineer, rig or force the external to “look right” for a little bit but it will always course correct to what you truly believe you deserve based upon the state of your inner being.
That is why I tell my Alphas, if you want to lose weight, you need to love yourself right now.
So if you’re fat, dumpy, frumpy, lumpy and grumpy-you are pretty much going to stay that way until you can
muster up some appreciation for your form right NOW.
Hint: This is why 95% of diets fail. They are an external solution to an internal problem.