[Trust] Sharing A Miracle, Need A Favor...

Published: Fri, 09/08/17

Photo of Tanya, Coach for Alpha Women Entrepreneurs
Sharing A Miracle, Need A Favor…

Today I’m sharing a story that shows how I use exactly what I TEACH YOU to handle problems and the Miracle that just arrived…

If you’ve been watching, I’m building my 3rd Global Event (It may be how you found me originally!). This one is for Alphas of course! So it means I’m spinning an awful lot of plates right now.

Got the book, The Alphas Guide to Life, to the editor. Working on the design of an 8 week Online course for Alphas and building the free “Alpha Women Success Academy: How to Get Your Money, Your Man and Your Mission. NOW.”

I pushed to get everything tested and working from a tech side for the Academy before anyone arrived. Same way you hurry to get house clean before the guests get there! This morning a friend wrote me that one of my links to join the Academy, WASN’T WORKING.

First, I noticed that I didn’t panic, blame or get angry. I had 4 devices open to try to repeat the error. My assistant had her devices open. With great hoopla, I finally saw it fail. Called GoDaddy (awesome company!) for support to learn it was the other large company, LeadPages (also good).

And...Nothing. Crickets. No one could get it to repeat so they couldn’t “fix” it.

What did I do? After 3 hours noticed that doing anything else would be STRUGGLING and I teach the way to SUCCESS is SURRENDER. I did all I could so I…went for a 2 mile walk.

I walked and prayed and used my best affirmations. I knew the glitch was about me or FOR ME somehow (notice, no blaming). I began to feel better and better. I knew I was loved and guided and I asked my guardian angel to send me a sign please.

Hint: The Universe is happy to send you signs and they will use what YOU would view as a sign to communicate with you.

I looked down just as I asked and saw something in the dirt on the side of the road. Something blue…and green. I picked up two beads. Blue and green are my business colors and blended together they make TEAL my new FAVORITE color.

Before I could rejoice, I felt I should look again.  Covering almost 10 feet, I picked up the scattered pieces of a bracelet rosary! With the crucifix!

Rosary Bracelet I found with a Crucifx as I prayed for a sign!
God still gives signs. Miracles still happen and yes, you can ASK for one. Some would count this as a “small” miracle but miracles do not have a SIZE.

What was I affirming before my miracle?
  • That I was doing all that I knew to do.
  • Willing to do whatever was necessary.
  • And that I was asking for guidance and would give immediate obedience to whatever I was shown to do…therefore, since I’d covered the process, the outcome could be safely SURRENDERED.
That is EXACTLY what I taught in The Success Jump Start Kit that is an immediate gift when you join the Alpha Academy online event.

I have a favor to ask. The favor is my 2nd miracle. I need to send traffic to my site to test that it’s working and that folks can get registered and get the Success Kit immediately BEFORE my instructors send more traffic and maybe hit that glitch (I may have lost some folks today).

If you want to see what I’m up to, get The Success Kit and help me out by testing it – I would be grateful. Just click a photo.

These Instructors and the content has me in awe. The gifts are generous. I just feel blessed to be building this for you.

Even if you don’t join, hit the link and make sure it takes you to my Join Here page. IF YOU GET A GLITCH, please send me the info with a screenshot!!! I appreciate it.

P.S. It is possible the glitch was to get me to this rosary. If so, then all is well and there is nothing TO fix! 

P.P.S. I make jewelry and I WILL repair the rosary God sent me! 

​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your 
Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.