[Abundance] Winning Class Selected + Abundance Lesson

Published: Wed, 10/11/17

Photo of Tanya, Coach for Alpha Women Entrepreneurs
Are You “Bartering” Your Way Through Life? 

This is an exciting email! All good stuff...

Below learn which class WON and a great lesson from this. I teach from everyday life!

Don't forget, my emails will come from Alpha@FearlessFocusCoaching.com starting NEXT WEEK :-)


If you're newer to me you may not know that I don't teach Either/Or - I teach Alphas to be Both/And people. (You can read about that here.)

Either/Or means you go through life and see something you want and say ”Wow, I can either have this thing I want or that other thing I need.” You are used to thinking you cannot have all that you really want. 

There is this constant ‘bartering’ that's going on that is completely at odds with the nature of our abundant universe.

Here's the trick, if you don't THINK you can have both things (this AND that) your mind will NEITHER LOOK FOR, accept nor receive ­any solutions that can accomplish BOTH things!

You have to start from a place of WANTING both to see how to GET both.

Which Class Won? 


Get Off Your OWN Brakes! How to STOP Sabotaging Your Success 40.9%                      vs.

The Alpha’s Life Success Tool Kit – Basics You MUST Know for Love & Money


So…I'm going to teach BOTH classes.

I just love teaching. It was so exciting to see that tie still existed - that means that you really need BOTH. And I choose to give it to you.

Thank you for Voting!

Come listen & ask YOUR questions at Get Off Your OWN Brakes! How to STOP Sabotaging Your Success teleclass THIS coming Sunday, October 15 3 PM EST. I'll send reminders :-)

Dial-in Information: 

US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923                                           

Canada: +1 647 558 0588 

Get International Local Dial In Numbers Here   (No Alphas left out!)

Meeting ID:   284 491 668

In November, keep your eyes peeled, I will teach Alpha’s Life Tool Kit Class to set you up for  2018. It may be my early Christmas present to you!​​​​​​​

Ask yourself where you are automatically assuming you can only have one thing or the other?? And Stop It! My two favorite coaching words.

Prayers Please!

And finally - I would like your prayers, blessings and good wishes on my book, The Alpha's Guide to Life. It is at this moment at the Frankfurt International Book Fair being presented to foreign publishers! I'm an Alpha that knows how to ask for help!



P.S. I just had an Alpha choose to go from being self-employed to getting a job after many, many years. She wanted security AND happiness but EITHER/OR'd it down to just Security. She immediately found a “secure” job offering her spot she didn’t want.

She needed to ask for BOTH Security AND Happy Atmosphere. Once she did that inner work, new job option popped right up! BOTH AND Ladies!
Emails will be sent from Alpha@FearlessFocusCoaching.com next week!
​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your 
Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.