Focusing on how you want to FEEL will be new for many and a refresher for my older Alphas.
   1.   Admit that your holidays are typically stressful. (Have to start from the truth!)Â
   2.   Decide you are ready to experience something better. (Have to commit to this!)Â
   3.   Pick out the dominant Emotion you WANT to feel this season INSTEAD of whatever you always get pushed into. (Ease vs. Rushed, for instance).Â
   4.   Pick out the Top 3 Threats to you feeling the way you want. (Pressure to give perfect gifts? Mother-In-Law’s need for worship? Dealing with the Ex and scheduling?)Â
   5.   Figure out ONE thing you can do to improve EACH of those three danger zones. (Example: Announcing now that you are only doing gifts for grade school and younger & Visa gift cards for everyone else. Adjust the schedule, so you limit time at MILs home. Let your Ex have their way! Not the hill you are gonna die on this
   6.   Do those 3 things!Â
   7.   Notice if/how guilty you feel. Don’t beat yourself up. Arranging the holiday to suit YOU is new. It took me two years to get my holidays happier for me. Â