Here’s Your Task:
Select 1-3 from the following “Ditch That” Categories to thin out your closet and Simplify Your Clothes.
Ditch that:
1) All marginal underwear. What makes it marginal? You don’t like the color. It’s matching piece died. It rides up. It falls down. It’s meh. It’s stained. It doesn’t make you feel good to pull it on.
2) Old Socks & Hosiery. Not wearing it? If you haven’t worn it in 2 years, are you REALLY likely to?? I ended up giving away about 15 of brand new hosiery before I moved because I just wasn’t freakin wearing them! I
got all over optimistic about changing my style and wearing these daring pantyhose and…didn’t!
3) Jewelry. Make someone’s day! I have an endless amount of jewelry and wear the same 6-8 pieces.
4) Clothes duplicates. You have 2 (or more) black pants or white crop pants. You KNOW you only wear the favorite.
5) Ancient T Shirts. I take very good care of my T-shirt’s (no dryers!) so they last forever. Problem? I keep getting more. Something has to give. Ditch some. Donate if still lovable. You can also have old favorites made into a quilt! Great gift for college
students and clears out those shirts.
6) (Deep breath) Shoes. Here are you targets! The ones you couldn’t BELIEVE were only $12 (but you don’t wear them). The flats that hurt your feet. The heels (yes, I know they are pretty) that hurt your feet and you won’t ever go out in. (Hint: If you can’t wear them for 2 hours
before you have to take them off, consider rehoming them!) The falling apart ones that you were going to repair…for last few years.
7) Leggings. I have 42 pair at last count. I’ll look to thin my herd by 25% because I live in leggings. Holes? Go. Make you look fat? Goes. Shrank? Goes. (No dryers!) Don’t go with more than 1 thing? Goes.
8) Jeans. You are not soo poor you can’t afford 2-3 pairs of jeans that FIT. And you are not a "7" anymore. Let it go.
9) Crazy colors. When you theme your wardrobe colors, life gets EASY. Be ready to Ditch that beautiful colored thing that goes with nothing else.
Work Out Clothes. Again, I have a mere eternal supply but keep wearing the same pieces. Thin & Ditch Ladies.
One huge thing I’ve learned is there a different organizational styles.
One organizational style does really well with high level of organization. Things can be completely put away, boxed up, in cabinets, covered up & tucked away.
Another style, is the visible style. If I don’t see it, I forget I have it.
This is true in my closet and in my refrigerator (yeah…I used to liquify a LOT of veggies before I learned this!)
If you’re a Visible person like me, you actually have to SEE all 42 pairs of leggings in order to wear them. Otherwise you’ll default to wearing just the ones that you can see.
Simplifying for the visual style is not about buying boxes and containers (which strangely, I’m attracted to). It’s about designing open shelving VISIBLE clothing systems so I can constantly see what I have so I wear it!
My main closet shelving are those open Ikea cubes!
Ok. Ready?
If you’ve had a stressful week, pick just one of the 10 categories to Simplify in.
Feeling braver?
Go for 2 or 3 or the whole shebang (I’m doing the whole shebang as soon as I can hire a physical assistant to help me!)
Wrap up:
- Ditch clothes and lighten your inventory
- Consider buying and wearing in color families (I do this with blues). I buy lots of blue, so everything goes together. Easy!
- Buy easy clothes (Linen, I hate you. Sorry. Not sorry). You KNOW you avoid wearing your silk shirt because then you have to CLEAN it. Evict hard clothes. Steam don’t iron.
- (Shared this at Christmas) Lay out a whole weeks clothes at once! Accessories too. Like you are going to a photo shoot. Get a clothes rack just for that it you can - Ikea’s Clothes Rack I Own 5 Of
Put in the upfront hours to save you minutes EVERY MORNING for the rest of the year!