Yayy! Why yayy? Alphas LOVE making lists.
I want you to make a list right now of all of the spaces that do not serve you.
How is the inside of your car doing? What’s going on with your make-up table? What’s your medicine cabinet area doing right now? How about the garage? Office desk??
And for the sake of all the holy, is your purse a problem too?
Make yourself a list of all the places and spaces that are disappointing you right now. I encourage you to be ruthless about this.
So if the thought in your head is…
“Well the bathroom is not THAT bad… “
then yeah, it goes on the list!
Got your list?
Identify the top three offenders. Your worst spaces.
These spots instantly trigger guilt or discomfort or feelings of lack in you the moment you see them. Got ‘em?
Now this turns into a bit of a “choose your own adventure story.“
If you are feeling up and rested and strong, tackle the WORST space. If you are feeling run down, unsupported and overwhelmed, tackle the EASIEST one.
My List:
My make-up table
Medicine Cabinet
Boxes in Office Corner
I did a bunch of interviews close together, which was like setting a BOMB off in my dressing corner.
My medicine cabinet needs thinning and a turntable. If another box of allergy tablets falls out on me ONE MORE TIME!
When I sit down to do make up, I feel guilty I’ve not made time to restore order. Same thing when I’m in a hurry grabbing a medicine.
Clean & Clear these feelings for the New Year!
Look forward to how satisfied you’ll feel when you notice the clean & cleared space.
You’ll remember that it was hard for you and you did it anyway because you are WORTH IT.
You are WORTH effort.
You are WORTH discomfort.
You are WORTH whatever it takes to bring welcome change home for you.
Clean & Clear for the New Year!