Let them flow Alpha.
Because fear is contraction.
Nearly everything about the war evokes FEAR which makes you smaller.
Letting your emotions flow is expansive.
And more importantly, you will fail trying to suppress your feelings anyway. And in that failed attempt, you make your negative feeling stronger.
What does this mean practically?
On Monday you may be uplifted by humanitarian story that renews your hope. On Tuesday you may hear something terrible that makes you feel depressed. On Wednesday you may imagine your finger on the button of an imaginary weapon…
The range of emotions from hope to despair, frustration to anger, disgust to compassion… Are all normal.
Do not “dam up“ your feelings. The world NEEDS people who are emotionally in touch with themselves right now.
To do great evil you must ignore another’s suffering, in yourself first and then in others. - Tanya Dyer, Esq.
Tyrants encourage an inner state that allows suppression of emotions and dims the ability to feel compassion for others.
Do not let the evil being done in the world invite you to mimic their EMOTION SUPPRESSING behavior.
Do Not grant them one more person to crush.
Let anger and love and sadness flow.
Keep feeling even though it’s scary and feels out of control.