The atrocities that we are watching were all born from
unresolved grudges and hidden resentments.
These hurts were left unattended and festered and magnified.
And now you have a war.
This is very much the same way that divorce claims marriages through years of neglect, de-prioritizing, and allowing the continual erosion of peace.
Here is my tiny example of choosing more peace in my heart…
I usually do all the laundry, but my husband will do a load or two if he sees a need. Unfortunately, he uses roughly TRIPLE the amount of detergent and fabric softener when he washes.
He uncharacteristically (and quite helpfully!) started a load of laundry at 5 AM. He asked me to hang it on the line, and I was happy to.
When I got to the laundry room, I discovered he had spilled laundry powder into the fabric softener dispenser.
Immediately, my head imagined correcting him about how much detergent he uses, how hard it is to rinse out of the clothes and how he gooped up the fabric softener dispenser.
But…I’m focused on having more peace in my home.
So I took the dispenser off and gave it a thorough clean that was obviously long overdue. And I just said….”Thank you for starting my laundry for me.”
I feel much better absorbing and releasing that tiny inconvenience than I would feel if I corrected and blamed my husband, and disturbed the peace of my home.
It’s a tiny example, but it demonstrates the principle well.
Over the next few days, look for an opportunity to choose what creates more peace in your home. It might mean you have to not be “right“.
For people to stop fighting wars, the World has to place a lower emphasis on being right rather than being happy.
Start small and practice creating a bit more peace
in your home this week.