Those ‘given’ our freedoms
very rarely, if ever, voluntarily return them.
I am a black American woman with a license to practice law, owner of a Law Firm.
It is not lost on me, that as recently as my grandmother’s generation
I was free to go to college.
I was free to go to law school.
I was free to travel to 25 countries and counting.
I was free to form a business and represent clients in court.
I was free to move to Australia to marry my white husband.
I can get in a car (I own) and drive to a grocery store where there’s food, which I have the money to buy, no matter how expensive food or gas gets.
I am FREE. And so are you.
Thank you to everyone who stood up before me and fought & begged, so I can enjoy freedoms (without a thought) others don’t have.
Let the energy of that thought be one of gratitude and awe and not indignation.
The only political advice I will give you is to be mindful of political parties that want to “temporarily borrow“ your freedoms.
This is a very good time to be grateful for the rights that we have and the freedoms that we take for granted daily.
Tv news is showing us people who no longer have the freedom to go to work, to leave their country, to give birth in a clean, safe hospital or to eat what they want for dinner tomorrow.
To honour their struggle, be mindful of the freedoms that you have.
Do not take your rights for granted. Reflect on a time when someone else had to stand up and literally FIGHT to earn them.
When I was ready to make a donation to help the many, many people crushed by the war, I only had to look in my inbox to find options.
There are many ways & places to give. Find one that suits you.
And only give an amount that you are GLAD to give, so that your goodwill goes with it.
3 Places You Can Honor the Freedom They Fight For & Send Help:
The United Way Global Fund
Airbnb is helping house Refugees
Help Pets in Ukraine
Godspeed to those fighting to keep what we have.