Please do not ignore anything that is
out of balance with your health!
Have you suddenly stopped getting good sleep?
Having pre-menopause or menopause issues? (Me!)
Gaining weight you can’t lose?
Low back pain?
These pains (and others), are all things we IGNORE because we are soo busy caring for…someone else.
Ignoring your body’s “Check Engine” lights not only aggravates your physical condition but worse…it compounds the emotional and spiritual effects of you not loving YOU.
I believe if you diligently ask, you will be given the reason behind any illness or physical distress you are suffering.
Ask who?
God. The Universe. Your body. Your higher self. Your dreams.
Your best friend. An energy healer. Heck, even Google.
Yep. You can Google “spiritual meaning of ____insert illness___. “
The reason you can ask nearly anybody or anything is because
life WANTS you to have this information! It’s not hiding it.
That broken heart, sadness, and unresolved relationship that you are carrying around… it affects your feelings first,
thoughts second, and body third.
If my email prompts you to ask yourself the question
(what is this trying to tell me?) and you get your answer,
please share with me that this helped you.
I just recently got clarity on a pre-menopause condition.
I forgot and looked only at the physical: my age is X, so this _____ happens.
Today I realized the message behind it!
Uncomfortable for a moment,
but I am now certain I’ll return to physical balance.
I am grateful to see how my body was trying to protect me!
Must we do the right physical things? Yes.
But must we also start looking underneath our conditions,
so we heal on ALL levels.