What in the world could paranoia have to do with
keeping you safe you ask??
A lot!
Alphas are wired to expect Struggle in life and taught we MUST “pay“,
in some form or fashion, for any good things (love or approval) we receive.
That means for every little scrap of “good” we receive, we hold on as tightly as possible. We are super watchful for threats to our treasures
(the man, the job, the Bestie, the fitness etc).
The primary threat we identify as young girls is of having TOO MUCH.
Wait. What?
This works best if you understand an Alpha is very similar to a homeless street child.
A homeless street child learns that they have to fight and steal and barter and manipulate and control in order to survive and to keep the few good things they have. They also learned that if they build up “too much" good, so that it is easily visible to life and others, someone will come take it!
So the fearful Street child inside of us, that has been abandoned from a young age, learns that having too much is actually dangerous.
Enter the Other Shoe Drop Syndrome!
OSDS is designed to protect the “balance“ between the stuff that you struggled and fought for, so you have just enough, but not soo much that life or someone else, will come correct the balance and take it from you.
It stems from a core belief that we are not enough and we do not deserve to have an abundance of anything: health, wealth, love or deep spiritual connection.
Whenever we get on a roll in one particular aspect of our life,
OSDS clicks in and we sabotage ourselves to reduce our
total amount of good back to a level that feels less “dangerous”.
Subconsciously we welcome OSDS as an ally!
OSDS helps keep us from losing the good we have already paid for
by “blocking” our ability to happily receive any “extra” that
could put us over the top and cost us everything!
Look at your own thinking.
How often do you catch yourself thinking, this much and not too much more.
Or, she’s already got a good husband, why does she need a mansion too?
These abundance limiter thoughts (OK, I love that I’m totally going to keep that phrase!)… These Abundance Limiter Thoughts (ALT) are
our Other Shoe Drop Syndrome.
It takes you back to the time where life was not fair
so if you saved your ice cream and your sister wanted more after eating her own,
someone actually made you share yours with her!
OSDS encourages you to not let anybody see that you have ice cream.
It is part of the reason why Alphas hide their talents and gifts
and we keep ourselves small.
Go Bigger Ladies.
OSDS comes from fear of loss.
Again, your assignment this week is simply to notice it.
Own the truth of it.
If you have any good stories of your OSDS in action sabotaging you,
hit reply and share with me. I’d love to read them.