Don’t Worry if You Don’t Know Your Purpose Yet
Your soul’s purpose is a bit like the final bad guy in a video
You have to play long enough to acquire enough “points”, experiences, tools and weapons to qualify for admission to that juicy level.
Do not beat up yourself (or your
Mission!) if you’re still on your way.
In my letter to God, I speak to and of my Highest Calling for the first time, here with you, my Alpha family. 💞
Dear God,
It is crazy that I asked for you to give me my Mission (begged it from you), yet I was soo not ready for what I would be asked to do (thought I was!).
I now know, deeply believe and teach that our life is our curriculum.
And it is only NOW, that I can really see how my journey was
-> through myself, deeper with you and finally into
God. You are the heighth of me. The depth of me. The breadth of me.
I thought I understood what love was and now I know I didn’t really KNOW, until I understood how much YOU loved
me, to trust me to grow into a Mission so large and so important to the world.
You saw me and my broken state but didn’t see ME as broken.
I’ve gone back and I’ve looked at my patterns. Over 40 times in my life you have “loved me out of” situations that I called into being because of a wound I hadn’t healed.
At the time, that love felt harsh. I was scared.
I actually thought I was alone.
I wondered why MY way and MY path had to be so very hard.
I used to wish it was easier instead of what Jim Rohn said, “don’t wish it was easier, wish YOU were stronger.”
Iron sharpens iron and millions of years of pressure form perfect
My life has sharpened and polished me into your prophet, one who speaks for you to your daughters.
I can say
that openly now.
I am The Family Prophet, The Relationship Consultant to High Net Worth Conservative Women.
This is mine to do NOT because I’m perfect. Very much the opposite.
You called me because I made ALL the mistakes my Alphas make
but I kept going and I kept listening and I kept healing.
I kept growing and I’ve gotten REALLY good at hearing you.
Translating you.
I Heal Relationships.
And I marvel at the Universe. I get so excited every time an Alpha crosses my path, because she is MINE.
I work for you.
And I do not fail.
I’m grateful that you’ve now called me to serve the most powerful Alpha women in the world, AND given me a way to keep serving ALL Alphas that are still struggling and need my help.
You given me the means & desire to serve BOTH.
I am in love with who I’ve become.
I am in love with what I can do.
I am in love with the difference that I can make.
I feel reborn to this Highest Calling.
All those who can hear me and feel the resonance, I will serve.
I will teach them ALL The Art of Self Rescue.
And I will lead a handful as your Family Prophet.
Thank you for everything. I'm on my
Tanya Dyer,
The Family Prophet,
The Relationship Consultant
to HNW Conservative Women