Mothering Sets The “Stage” Your Life Will Play Out On - Horror Movie or Hallmark Romance
Your first relationship and your primary relationship was with your mother.
Her ability
to provide your needs (emotional, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and financial) determined how your genes and traits would express.
Mom’s ability to communicate her love and the conditions she set on you RECEIVING that love,
determined your security.
A secure, loving, needs-full foundation, would create a different woman than we are.
By definition, Alphas (you & me) were formed because of a breach of trust in our families of origin.
Before I say another word, that breach is the norm. It’s nearly the
I literally only know of two Alphas that had the secure loving mom experience that began in childhood and continues uninterrupted into their present adulthood. And guess what? There was still a breach in their family of origin with their fathers!
To get the most from the work we do this month, you must let us speak truth without trying to defend your mother or her memory… Or yourself.
This month you can focus on your mom or...
you can focus on your mothering. (Both may be a bit much.)
But we are NOT doing guilt or shame.
If your mom sucked. She sucked. You don’t need to feel guilty about it or ashamed that you didn’t have a mother baking you cookies or caring if you got home from school safely.
If you’re
aware that due to the challenges in your life, you’ve not been the best mom you could be… Welcome to real life.
That’s OK. There are no perfect moms.
If you are agreeing to undergo the scrutiny of this month, then you are well on your way to
As a rule, Alpha moms tend to fight with their daughters,
who in turn become Alphas. And Alpha moms tend to
prefer and go softer on their sons, who become Beta men.
I’ll teach you why that is next week.
For now, decide where your focus will be, your Mom or you. You can always double back and switch focuses.
Holy Grail Thought:
Whatever a Mother didn’t have…she COULDN’T
(Re-read that.)
Whatever a Mother didn’t have…she
Your mom’s “stuff” came from her mother. Which came from her mother. And… you can see how this is going…
You can see why you need to break the cycle. And you can, even if the kiddos are already adults.
You will become a better person and a better mom and a better daughter for
volunteering to look at these wounds with me this month.
I’ve got you. Let’s do some work Alphas.