Your emotional needs are identical to your needs for water, air and food.
We can’t opt out of them or diminish them. Oh but how we try to!
Question 3: What Do You Really NEED?
Mostly, if I ask you what you need, to help you figure out what you really want, you wouldn’t be able to answer me.
Your mind will immediately go to the needs of OTHERS around you,
which you know better than your own, because you spend most of your time trying to fulfill them.
When asked about YOUR needs, your conscious answer equates to:
“this is what I think I can get“, “this is what I think I can get by with,” and “this would be nice one day.”
Those replies sound like I’m asking you about a luxury vacation in Bali!
I’m asking about your NEEDS!
Alphas tend to disown the entirety of our needs.
Rather, we only own, confess to and seek out the portion of our needs that we THINK is still possible to get (i.e. someone can be made to give us or traded for).
There is a massive difference between what you NEED and what your husband, your boss or even your best friend, will GIVE you.
This week look deep. Look for what you need, that you don’t let yourself “see” on a daily basis, because you believe you can’t get it.
Hint: if you spend all of your time disowning your needs,
don’t expect to be able to fulfill your wants. Needs come first.