My Highest Purpose is To Teach Love Without
See how the END is set out but no guidance on
how to make that outcome
Your purpose will be the thing you have struggled with the most.
Why? Because God is not wasteful!
Why in the world would he give you a deep, profound challenge, a crazily steep frozen mountain to climb, that had NOTHING to do with what you’re ultimately supposed to be doing??
The Universe doesn’t work that way.
I had to LEARN love is not sacrifice before I could be called to
You’ve heard this said this way before: Your mess IS your message.
I had to learn A LOT before I could ever access my Mission.
I learned (i.e., suffered and was crucified by EACH of these issues emotionally, only to finally resurrect myself):
- What love was
- That I didn’t love me
- What fear was
- That I was a victim
- What Trust was & that I Had None
- My Patterns of Struggle in Relationships
- How to heal, love & trust myself
- Truths I & Everyone Avoid
- That Sacrifice is NOT Love
- That Struggle is Suspicious
- That Everything Needed is Provided
- As Within, So Without
- How to Love Wounded People Safely
- How to Share Emotional Truths & Needs
- How to Save Deeply Damaged Marriages
Okay. The length of that list surprised even me, and I could’ve gone longer. We’ll go deeper into this when I teach about Unlocking your Mission in Week 4.
For now, you’ve learned what PURPOSE is and that it’s the forerunner of Mission.
Way more people have an idea of what their Purpose is, than know what their Mission is.
Your assignment for this week is to get yourself
into the vicinity of your Purpose.
Look at your mess or better yet, messes. Look for a singular theme you’ve struggled with. Maybe you’ve learned it already or maybe you’re still in the trenches.
My messes?
*Sacrificing in love only to be abandoned and abused
*Struggling to keep bad relationships going
Notice what pulls you.
My two BIGGEST pulls?
*Teaching women just like me
*Spirituality- Learning & Applying
My Purpose:
To Teach Love Without Sacrifice (to Alpha Women)
Hit Reply and let me know what you discover about your Purpose.
We’ll need it as we move forward with Mission.
Next Week: Why is Our Mission Always a Mystery?