Stop and Go! for Wealth
I’ll share my STOP and Go! but I am in a different place from many of you.
I shared with you a little while back, that I have a new company brand. It is almost all set to unveil to the world. And you watched earlier this year, while
I completed my fantastic US photo shoot for the new brand.
Yet, it hasn’t felt “right“ to release it yet.
As an Alpha, you make plans and then you push
and shove to try to make sure those plans get executed.
Even though I returned from the US prepared to finish up my new website and social media, so we can release everything…I haven’t. Other things keep claiming my attention and energy.
Really good things! Breakthroughs. Truths. Surprising manifestations. Healings. ALL of which have meant that I have not followed my original “plan.”
My STOP for Wealth, is to STOP
viewing the guidance taking me away from finishing & releasing as “interference.“
I consciously knew that I was doing the right things, but I really needed to release that
little voice of control in my head that keeps asking, “When are we going to get back to this?”
My STOP may seem very subtle to you. However, it’s a big deal for me at my energy and my level of wealth, to catch a subtle inner questioning.
As much as you can, you want 100% inner approval of where you are allowing your energy to go & flow.
Remember, your STOP should provide relief.
I feel relieved to have spotted this and relieved to become absolutely okay with releasing (launching is not the right word or energy for this) only once timing feels 100%
What is your Go! for Wealth?
Y’all are my Alphas. So you can know secrets.
I’ve just been moved to write another book. Like…right NOW.
It’s just falling out of me! Very excited about it and of course I’ll share it here first. And it’s exactly what I’m doing with a six figure Alpha right now!
That’s my Go! The book brings me an opportunity to reach more of you.
Help MORE of you Learn the Art of Self Rescue.
What’s your Go! for Wealth?
Ooo. I just got the hit to explain tithing and why it works to create wealth. (Okay! Long post! Here we go!)
To tithe is to reserve a tenth portion of income.
You set it aside to give, most often a charity or a church.
Why is there real and consistent evidence that tithing works?
I believe tithing works because it gets you energetically focused on the 90% that you retain for YOUR use with gratitude and never views the 10% given away through the lens of fear (ie a source of lack or impoverishment).
What you focus on, expands.
And you can throw in that the Universe is ALL about expansion.
So when they see you being “expansive“ with your money,
it gives you MORE so you can do more.
Also note you can tithe things other than just money. You can tithe your time or goods.
If you can get into a place of gratitude for what you have and feel pretty fearless about sharing and giving when the urge arises, you don’t need to tithe, just follow your urges to
If you are struggling around money, even though it sounds weird, it’s a tool that works.
So maybe for one of you out there your Go! is to start saving 10% to do something generous with.
Maybe you pay for your child’s best teacher to go to the spa? Or tell your mechanic to
look out for a needy family and you kick in for their car repair. New team uniforms. Anything good counts.
Doesn’t that sound AMAZING?!