It’s a Universal Law.
What you talk about repeatedly, is a really easy way to
see what your energy is focused on. What your energy is focused on, expands.
Let’s go right to some problems this causes:
1. The girlfriend (or you) that won’t stop talking about the Ex that did her wrong, so whenever she meets a new man he immediately shows the same red flags.
2. Passionate activist that is singularly focused on whatever evil she is fighting out of fear, so she sees evil and attracts
evil everywhere.
3. Your mother, who likes to focus on this health condition and that health condition and why she’s probably got X, you’ve probably got Y and your brother will probably get Z. Spiritually, she’s attracting it. If you want the scientific side, her depressed nature suppresses her immune system, which makes it
more likely that she will get illnesses.
4. The Alpha, struggling in a relationship, who can’t stop focusing on and talking about the parts of it she doesn’t like. And she keeps saying she’s waiting for the “other shoe to drop” whenever things get “too good”. Here, she’s expecting pain and literally speaks it until she finds
some and validates herself for being “right.”
You become what you talk about most of the time.
Why? Because you’re aligned with it.
Because energetically you’re a match to it.
Because you are programming your mind to seek out things that fit with it (reticular activation system). Which means, if you’re talking about bad things, you’re literally programming your mind to search out and steer you toward other, matching examples of bad things.
This is how you short circuit your Intuition. Not good.
However, do not believe that you can NEVER speak what is stressful or bad.
I had an Alpha struggling in her marriage, who would not speak at all about the things she was struggling with because she was too scared of attracting bad things.
It was an incredible burden for her to repress her feelings and struggle alone. Do not do this.
Let me explain this, because it’s
If you’re suffering and you’re in pain, and you are speaking to get relief and understanding and to move toward love (of yourself or another), your speaking is grounded in the energy of love and therefore does not attract what will harm
If you’re mad at your husband and you’re just having a rant fest with your best friend about how all men suck…? THAT motivation is anger and fear-based. That one WILL get you into trouble.
For the next week, become aware of the things you’re saying.
Especially things that you say a
If you’re having difficulty anywhere in your life and especially in
the area
of love, check on the words that you’re repeating.
Popular & common unhelpful phrases such as:
No good deed goes
Love hurts
Brutal honesty
Money is tight
just can’t lose weight
These words, repeated often, program your core beliefs,
affect your
energy, your outlook and your mood.
You ARE Whatever You Repeat