Are you good at saying No, so your plate doesn’t get too full?
Great at getting in your exercise or taking your best supplements?
I want you to look at your life to locate how you are doing something AMAZING for your physical body.
I’m doing excellent taking my supplements.
I’ve done a pretty good job with reducing my sugar but this is not “pretty good job month.”
I AM excellent at getting in my morning walk! It’s totally reversed a nagging knee pain situation from late last year and BONUS - it is my Mental
Health/Me/Meditation/Me & God time!
How can I feed that Excellence?
I might get a weight vest to walk in!
I added hand and ankle weights and that went really well.
See how good it feels to think of the thing you ARE shining at and then consider what you can do to make it even a bit better!
What part of your health are you pretty poor with?
I recently went through a review of
Spotted my weak areas.
I first saw I was sitting too much. So the walking habit came on
Health includes mental health and I discovered my environment wasn’t matching how Excellent I was starting to FEEL.
Too many things I don’t use, don’t see, don’t value.
Too many NON-EXCELLENT POSSESSIONS (i.e., clutter).
My role this week is to NOTICE the things I NOW view as NOT Excellent enough to stay near me. Not to move, fix or chuck them. Just to see and mentally tag it.
Example: Right now, I can see out of the corner of my eye, a wood coaster that I got from Costa Rica soo many years ago. It is the only one remaining out of a set of four. It is really good. But one really good coaster is NOT EXCELLENT. It will go when the time is right.
It feels good to focus on Excellence & celebrate my area of Excellence.
What you Feed