It’s All in Your Intentions
My 5 Steps to getting
yourself Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually ready for a big change:
- Stop Minimizing It
- Make Outer Space for it
- Make Inner Space for it
- Build Up Your Success Pictures of it and
- Take Your Sticky Fingers Off
#1 Stop Minimizing It
Oh my lovely Alpha! This IS a Big Deal! It would be easy for me to dismiss my dental surgery as a routine thing. Had it done before. It’ll be fine. I'm healthy. Blah blah blah.
What you want here is to accord your experience the correct importance, without inflating it or downplaying it.
How rare is it? How much effort is required from you? How certain is it? How big a role does it play in your life
#2 Make Outer Space for It
For some events, it is immediately apparent how to do this. If you were headed to a graduation, you make sure your night before and night of is free.
In my case, the Outer, physical space I’ll make is a nest! Yep. I’ll make myself a little nest in my bedroom pre-stocked with anything I think I’ll need and want - including pain meds (even though I prefer natural remedies).
I will include non necessary things, 2 new books to choose from, speaker so I can hear music or audiobook easily, and essential oils diffusers and my best incense (Voluspa: Crisp Champagne).
#3 Make Inner Space
I’ll be headed to bed early with a healing hypnosis recoding playing just barely audible (they do not need to be loud or even
totally clear when you sleep).
I plan to eat a lighter dinner and have my breakfast shake early.
I’ll take a bath and soak with my good stuff (the stuff you know you are hoarding!) and I’ll talk to God and my body while we relax. I’ll check in to see if it feels like I need to do anything else.
I’ll avoid any conversations that might damage my inner peace. And Alphas, that INCLUDES conversations inside my own head!
Yes, this is like a ritual purification. Those have existed in all religions and faiths for
thousands of years for a single reason…they help prepare you to be your best, receive the Universe’s highest and calmly weather whatever is ahead.
Build Up Your Success Pictures of It
This part is critical and fun! You want to prepare the way for your big thing by imagining it already done and done successfully!
The best key to this I learned from Neville Goddard.
When you picture what you want, see yourself IN the scene
(meaning it’s a movie from your point of view)
AND imagine the thing that happens immediately AFTER it’s a success!
If it’s a meeting for a raise, and you’d call your best friend to book celebration drinks, see yourself doing exactly that!
I’m going to see myself walking down a big hill near me to our town bakery to get a treat. Why? Because if I’m out hiking on a hill I must be feeling good and if I’m willing to eat a donut, my mouth must be okay. 
Last but not least…
#5 Take Your Sticky Fingers Off
I know this is the hard one, but you want to get into a feeling of Allowing or Trust.
Allowing life to handle the details and deliver the result.
Or Trusting Source and whatever other preparations you’ve already made,
to be more than enough.
If you don’t reach either of these states, you will be in fear based, controlling energy. You will want to put your sticky fingers on the Big Thing and
engineer it.
Your result will most reflect the energy, faith or belief with which it was undertaken.
So now you are ready for your Big Thing.
Send me a smiling thought as I start my evening preparations.
In Joy,