The College Revelation that Changed My Life
I no longer remember what class this was for…Â
but whatever the project was, it was ridiculously huge.
 It seemed to have infinite moving parts,Â
and would be classified as “overwhelming.”
One really late night that I was trying to motivate myself to get going on this thing, seeing the deadline, creeping closer, and closer, I realized that there were parts of the project that I really wanted to do!
There were parts of the
project that I was actually excited to do and wanted to do right away.Â
But…it felt kind of irresponsible to do those parts of the project, when there were other parts of the project that I didn’t want to do but also needed to get done.
Here it is: When working on making a Dream into a Goal,Â
Eat the ice cream first, to gain Momentum.
Wait… What?!
There will be parts of whatever it is, you’re trying to do that you “know” how to do! There will be parts that you are excited to do. Parts that are easy. Parts that are inexpensive and quick.
Because Alphas are so wired for Struggle, you are also wired to feel guilty if you begin a massive overwhelming project by cherry, picking all the best bits first.
Let me tell you why it’s OK to do this… Momentum!
The 4th step in this process is to Keep Going!Â
You need to get into Momentum.
Momentum will carry you forward into, through
and beyond the parts that you don’t know how to do, the parts that are trickier and more difficult and need others.
It’s like getting your battering ram up to full speed BEFORE you try to hit the hard parts.
The hard parts are the part of the meal that you don’t want to eat and all the easy parts are the dessert, the
ice cream.
Eat the ice cream first so you get into happy, forward momentum and start to really,Â
concretely believe that your
has now become your Goal!
And then… Keep going!
Just keep doing the next thing that you can find to do, figure out to do, get help with, visualize.
The amazing revelation I had was… Eventually everything HAS to get done, so it doesn’t really matter what order I do it in!
And if doing it in the order of
easy things first, gets me excited and moving, then it’s BETTER to do it that way!
Photoshoot needed for sale by auction of our Australian home is now complete!Â
And I’ve just
finished forming a legal entity to buy our property in Bali! (Foreigners are not allowed to directly purchase property there).Â
So now… I Keep Going.
I keep looking at properties, talking to our agents, doing the
next step and rounds of endless paperwork, and figure out what can go in the 7 bags I can fly with me to start this adventure.
This is the part where many people fall down. You will not stumble on having a dream or getting started, it’s the Keeping Going part.Â
I promise you, I
have hit obstacles. Funding obstacles, health obstacles, time obstacles, stress obstacles, family obstacles and distance obstacles.
Keep. Going. Alpha.
There is a very old saying that is
appropriate here,Â
so we will end with that:Â
Where there is a will, there is a
In Joy,