[Success] Do You Know Your FAVORITE Self-Sabotage??

Published: Fri, 10/20/17

Photo of Tanya, Coach for Alpha Women Entrepreneurs
Do You Know Your FAVORITE Self-Sabotage??

We ALL do it. The very first step in my new Sabotage tool – S.O.S.tm is SPOTTING!

You have to be able to SPOT how you are getting in your own way before You can DO anything about it.

How do you get in your own way? How do you keep yourself from showing up? What promises do you ALWAYS seem to break? (Especially those you make TO you!)

What is YOUR Favorite Self-Sabotage?

There is a LOT of power by knowing the most common ways that YOU BLOCK YOU.

Here’s My Old Top 3 Ways I Kept Myself From Success & Happiness:
  1. Used all of my OWN time and energy trying to rescue/fix/protect/help OTHERS
  2. Always too busy to look at the truth/big picture (which would’ve told me I wasn’t getting anywhere!)
  3. Over committed – said YES to everything and EVERYONE even when it should’ve been a HELL NO 
You can see the “thread” of mine was being so BUSY that I made fear based, non self-loving decisions.

I used my busy-ness to HIDE from this Calling! I “protected” myself from doing the hard, inside work needed to show up in front of strangers and offer to lead them and have people say NO.

Find YOUR favorites! Hit reply and tell me what they are 😊

If you can’t put your finger on it and need me to help you, ASK.

P.S. The comments I am getting on the Stop Sabotaging Your Success from all over the globe have made me cry! Clear, practical and direct. Need that? Watch it here.

P.P.S. Just this week I noticed that I’d been in PUSH mode for more than 3 months! It's time to REST now, before I planned. Continuing to push longer would turn into the SABOTAGE of exhaustion. See it?

​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your 
Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.