[Gratitude] Easy Gratitude Practice to Take You Into the New Year...

Published: Wed, 11/22/17

Photo of Tanya, Coach for Alpha Women Entrepreneurs
Easy Gratitude Practice to Take You Into the New Year...

I’m sure everyone has already told you to be grateful for all of your “external” things. This is INTERNAL GRATITUDE. I want you to be grateful for the amazing INNER BITS of you that don’t get a lot of airtime.

Eldon Taylor of Inner Talk gave me this practice and I LOVE IT!

When you first wake up – say “Thank You”. I say it out loud no matter how my voice sounds.

Then…. Smile. Just smile for a bit. The action of physically smiling triggers your brain to release “happy chemicals”.

That’s it. It takes less than 30 seconds.

You should do this everyday, start tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.

Eldon, world famous subliminal learning expert, describes this and other amazing goodies in his Alpha Women Success Academy Interview. You can own that interview + 6 others + something AWESOME for Alphas you WANT.

You just need to hold onto $17 for FRIDAY. (In the US, that's one movie ticket plus popcorn). 

And YES, I may be the ONLY one actually releasing a Black Friday sale ON Black Friday. Call me Old Fashioned!! So make sure you dig through the rubble in your inbox to find me.

(If you pay attention, you'll see that I figured out how to make your Black Friday Goodies F.R.E.E!)

Get your $17 Ready for the Black Friday Sale!!


P.S. I’m making my traditional 10lb Crock Pot Turkey, Cinnamon Honeyed Sweet Potatoes, Corn Casserole, Salad and will let my guest decide the dessert – either Pumpkin Muffins or my famous Monster Cookies!!
Let me know what YOU are making?

P.P.S. I cook that meal even if I am alone but I have a cross country guest to feed this year! One of my besties from UGA Law School, Jon Brown 😊 He once wrote a little jingle to cheer me on in a law school, oral argument competition! "Goooo Tanya go. Go, go, Goooooo Tanya go!" It's silly and I'll love it til my last breath. I'm grateful for him.

​​​​​​​I Show Alpha Women Entrepreneurs How to Stop Struggling in Your 
Relationships, Own Your Potential, Build Your Business and BALANCE IT ALL.