You have been TAUGHT to set a Money goal. To watch those numbers like a hawk and push and
shove and engineer to reach it. Even if you HIT it, you are tired and wrinkled and worried. Why worried? You know what it took to GET the money, so it feeds your fear of how easy it is to LOSE IT.
Do you wonder why really wealthy people ALWAYS say they aren't motivated by money? You thought that
shifted AFTER they received their riches. Nope. Mostly it came BEFORE. They got passionate about SOMETHING. And their pursuant of that SOMETHING generated the byproduct of MONEY.
Do not go after Money as a primary or direct goal. It mostly does not work and when it does...? Well, I've been there, made multiple
six figures and was NOT HAPPY. (Hint: I hadn't pursued happiness, I'd gone after & gotten MONEY.)
Money is a bad goal to pursue directly. You actually want some feeling that you believe that money buys. THAT feeling is the real goal.
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