Resolutions suck. They don't work. They are pretty much like diets, everyone rushes in to begin them and then fall off, leaving you feeling WORSE than before you began.
What I said about resolutions last year is still good advice...I encouraged you in a 7 min video to ASK THIS SINGLE QUESTION INSTEAD.
Another great practice? Pick a word or two word phrase for your ENTIRE YEAR. My 2017 phrase was "Flexible Momentum". I wore that thing out! And it served me very well.
My word this year is INTENTIONAL. My time, my health, my wealth, my purpose, my connections, my passion - all Intentional! I choose to be at CHOICE, creating my own results, for the entire year as much as possible.
Pick your WORD rather than your resolutions.
Your word can guide you in and through everything
you are doing for the entire year.