Which are you? The excuse maker or excuse taker or God help you, both?
Alphas are often hard on themselves, so you don't often make excuses to OTHERS. You make excuses to YOURSELF. Stop it. The energetic effect is the same if not worse! It says you are worth less than everyone else.
Here is your Excuse Exercise (that has a nice ring to it!):
1) Make a list of the top 5 people that you "accept" excuses from.
2) Note next to their name the area of life you accept
these excuses in - Health, Wealth, Love or Self-Expression. (Note this for your own excuses too!)
3) Now, note how YOU show up for these top 5 no-show people on a scale of 1-10 where 6 is meh, 7 is good, 8 is great, 9 is extraordinary and 10 is epic.
Conclusion Time:
If you've done this work you know notice that you are giving way to much to people who are not giving you the same respect & reliability. Giving where
you don't ever get on the same level creates TRUST issues for you.
***Please be EXTRA alarmed if your treatment is better for the highest no-shows and more average for the tame ones. The worse they are, the better you are is a BIG No-No!
You've also determined what area that you devalue the most. This is the area that you need the most love and should intentionally work to improve your trust in.
Hint: Mine used to be Love, now that's better, but the area where I still take & make the most excuses is Wealth. Discovering and owning this truth is like a $5,000 moment I'm giving you. Take it and do something about it.
EXcuses are ruining your life. Giving or accepting.