Part 1: AGREE That Your Adversary is Good aka Turn the Other Cheek (& Other Stuff We Hate)
Whether you read the bible or not, you’ve heard: When someone hurts you/offends you, you should turn the other cheek. What? Seriously? Yep. They just didn’t explain WHY.
Universal Law says whatever
you resist (i.e. are ticked off about/trying to change/worrying over) persists. Your focus calls out to the condition & invites it to stay just so you can KEEP focusing on it. Your INSISTENCE that this condition MUST change in order for YOU to be happy, is the exact belief the Universe is trying to get you to change.
When you STOP insisting things need to be different from how they are NOW (i.e. you begin ALLOWING) the condition can fade away.
How do you start AGREEING with your adverse conditions? By knowing the sucky condition is serving a purpose. Then you can allow it to exist while being less angry in your heart and with less plotting in your head. Get curious about how this situation can HELP YOU.
Alphas pretty much hate this plan: Stop trying to FIX the condition and
shift your beliefs on what MUST be changed from IT to YOU.
When you NEED things to change, they fight you. When you relax, it’s easier. One reason? People dislike helping
desperate, needy people. This is counter-intuitive but true. When you allow whatever it is with less fight and friction, you increase your ability to shift it.
I have seen marriages saved when they stopped
fighting the divorce. Women get pregnant when they stop trying and go to adopt. Weight gets lost when you accept yourself as you are and love gets found when you begin living for your personal happiness instead of “hunting” a mate.
If what you hate is a teacher,
learn the darn lesson already so it can GO!