Not a single life or soul incarnated to this time to do something for someone else. (No soul is in danger or needs saving!) The soul's goal is the soul's personal growth and fulfillment. You first! THAT goal, however, is always accomplished in connection with and in service to others.
Remember, I am the INDIRECT GOALS Coach.
Bad Goal: |
Good Goal: |
Money |
Feeling Freedom, Security, Happiness |
Finding Love |
BECOMING Loving to Yourself then love finds you |
Success |
Feeling Self-Approval, Security, Having choices |
Weight Loss |
Healthy Life |
Happy Marriage |
Happy YOU, only then can you can be in balance with your mate |
Saving OTHERS Before You |
Your Joy, Inner Security & Approval first, then others |
Mission first |
Living My Purpose first, Mission follows |
Alphas often mess up Mission because they seek to accomplish FOR others what they are NOT doing FOR themselves.
Your Purpose is YOUR joy and expansion by doing your lessons.
Your Mission is HOW you create that joy and expansion.
My Purpose? I am a Teacher. So teaching ANYTHING lights me up (my wording for joy). Teaching Alphas is extra special because I get to save others from all the tom foolery I suffered. Yep, it's me rescuing YOU and you know how we LOVE to rescue.
My Purpose & Mission Blended:
I feel lit up when I help Alphas stop struggling for success in Health, Wealth, Love and Mission.
To build your Mission you do not need to be clear on the HOW first, you need to be clear on the soul deep WHAT. What brings YOU joy?
Hint: Your Superpowers will be connected to your Mission. The Universe always gives you tools to do what you will naturally WANT to do to bring in your joy.
Warning: Make sure you aren't excluding money from mission. People may think of Missions as pure "do goodery" but Missions without money usually fail.