Sometimes you need to do the process separately for each of their different triggers(can be 2-3). Sometimes the trigger is just too big to “clear” all at once. Make sense?
Once their feedback to you is "I'm better", go to Step 6.
6. Ask If Ready For A Solution
Notice you have NOT even attempted to solve anything yet! And you are STILL not offering solutions and advice.
Here is the teaching analogy I gave to my mate, who has boats. If my boat breaks down on the river and you motor up alongside me, you may want to immediately hop on board and fix my motor.
I don’t know you! And I don’t know if you’re qualified to fix my motor or if you understand how my motor works.
Do not just board a sinking ship with your hammer in your hand! You will scare me and I’ll feel threatened, not helped.
If you notice my boat is in distress (Step 1), you’d ask me what happened (Step 2). You’d listen and pay attention to our surroundings (Step 3). Am I close to home or are sharks nearby?
You’d explain what I understand is going on (Step 4) and let me fully respond without jumping in (Step 5).
THEN you explain your credentials with my motor and ask if I want your help (Step 6).
7. Solution
Now you offer your solution. And if they don’t like it or use it, you are careful to not make this about YOU. They are on the broken boat at the moment, not you!
Unhealthy empathy is where you climb out of your good boat and let it drift off while you join them in the broken (state) boat. Do not do this!
Do this and you will develop your empathy skillset and learn the glue that builds the deepest bonds of love. And do not "get efficient" and skip steps my beautiful Alphas!