Practice Makes Perfect (or at Least Easier)
Start your practice by telling truth to yourself, then strangers - loved ones require the most practice and are therefore last up.
Before you tell anyone the truths you see, you’ll need to know how SAFE you feel about telling it. The safety consideration shouldn’t be part of it, but it is.
Look at our political and government systems today. No one feels safe enough to tell the truth. When people tell the truth they are punished, ostracized , judged, doubted and sometimes even jailed, fired or beaten.
It would be nice if we just admitted that we want OTHERS to always tell the truth and for US to have the option!
Stop expecting your kids, boss, coworker, mate and clients to do consistently what you’re not doing consistently.
And remember, awareness (truth) proceeds change.
Mostly no one wants to hear what you’ll say, because the solution may be scary (i.e., involve uncomfortable change or responsibility taking).
Knowing all of that, begin practicing telling uncomfortable truths anyway.
I ran my own high conflict divorce law firm and practiced crazy family law for over 15 years.
I told my clients that the advice they most needed to listen to, was whatever advice that they LEAST wanted to hear. They were literally paying me for the handful of times I would tell them the truth they didn’t want to hear. (Same thing as a coach!)
Over my years of practice, I got better and better at learning how to tell uncomfortable truths -and yes it’s a skill set. Ask me for help if you need it.
Here is the most important thing I’ve learned about speaking truth - the MOTIVATION for telling it, determines HOW it’s received.
If you are motivated to tell the truth out of love and compassion, with a sincere desire to help or bring about change, it will be received differently.
I tell people blunt truth all the time - like seriously terrible stuff they do not want to hear - and yet they still feel loved and seen by me and don’t feel attacked.
You CAN tell a difficult truth without attacking someone. And our world needs more of this and I vote it starts with you. Hop on it with me now.